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Rhoma Irama Nekat Nyanyi, Regent of Bogor: We are Angry and Disappointed Page all

BOGOR DISTRICT, KOMPAS.com – The action of Rhoma Irama who sang a song on the stage of a circumcision event in Cibunian Village, Pamijahan, Bogor Regency, West Java, on Sunday (6/28/2020) afternoon, reaped a polemic.

Because, the singer of this song is considered to have violated the commitment with the Regency Government (Pemkab) Bogor.

Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said that from the beginning his party had sent a cancellation letter to the music concert organizer.

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In the event the event in question is the circumcision event of the son of Abah Surya Atmaja.

Ade also ensured that the organizers had received the warning letter, as well as Rhoma Irama who also announced the cancellation of the concert via video.

“The team has been there (sent a letter) and they are committed not to carry out, including statement from Rhoma Irama, so we believe that, “Ade told reporters in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Monday (6/29/2020).

Ade was disappointed with Rhoma’s attitude of being determined to sing at the event.

“But on the D-day they continued to perform. We are actually angry, disappointed too, why they violated their own commitments and last night we were watching to try to stop and finally stop at 23:00 WIB,” said Ade.

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Even though Rhoma only attended as an invited guest, Ade considered that singing on the stage with a number of other artists still invited a crowd.

According to Ade, what Rhoma did was no different from entertaining as in a concert.

Ade, who is also the Chair of the Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of Bogor Regency, deplored the attitude of the dangdut king.

Moreover, Rhoma is a dangdut figure and artist who is sure to attract the attention of many people.

“Moreover, West Bogor people are fans, so when they perform, let alone sing more than one song, that is the name show too. Plus there is another singer Rita Sugiarto, it’s just the same inside show, yes we are disappointed with her lack of commitment, as well as the organizers, “Ade said.

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Nevertheless, Ade admitted that his party did not know the event finally took place on Sunday afternoon.

Finally, the joint Task Force team did not have time to be deployed to the location, because from the beginning the Bogor Regency Government had believed the commitments made.

“So this is a matter of commitment which is actually violated. His name is also a figure, so those who speak will not carry out, so we believe it because who is talking about who,” he said.

Ade ensured that the activities at the circumcision program violated the proportional Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) that were in effect until July 2, 2020.

Rhoma Irama and the citizens of Bogor who invited him will be prosecuted according to Regent Regulation (Perbup) No. 35 of 2020.

To anticipate the occurrence of virus transmission at the site, the Bogor Regency Task Force Team will also hold a mass rapid test to residents present in Cibunian Village.

“We will follow up the Task Force in the form of reprimands and summons, so if it violates the PSBB rules, we will process correctly according to the rules,” Ade said.

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