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“Rhoma Irama May Say Anything, But the Legal Process Goes On” Page all

KOMPAS.com- The appearance of Rhoma Irama in a circumcision event in Bogor, West Java has a long tail.

Bogor Regent Ade Yasin adamantly, the organizer and performer of the stage entertainment in the midst of this pandemic must still be processed by law. Including dangdut singer Rhoma Irama who performed at the time.

Whatever was said by Rhoma Irama, Ade said he would not be affected.

“Rhoma Irama may say anything anyway, please get it right. But later on what is clear is that the legal process continues,” said Ade Yasin, Wednesday (1/7/2020).

Also read: Concerts are Prohibited on Circumcision Events, Rhoma Irama and Sonnet Pamphlets Are Scattered

I already believe

Raja Dangdut Rhoma Irama when met on the sidelines of the event in the Daan Mogot area, West Jakarta, Thursday (11/07/2019).KOMPAS.com/BAHARUDIN AL FARISI Raja Dangdut Rhoma Irama when met on the sidelines of the event in the Daan Mogot area, West Jakarta, Thursday (11/07/2019).-Ade explained that his party did not know the circumcision event had taken place since Saturday.

That was because the regent already believed in the commitment of the stakeholders.

But apparently, the organizer still held an entertainment stage that drew the attention of residents.

“So at that time we had sent a direct letter, we assume when they received it and the task force had already been there to cancel the entertainment program,” Ade said.

At that time the organizer said he would obey.

“It’s okay, so we believe they will obey the rules. Then there is news that the concert has also been canceled. Well, we already believe the rules will not be violated but in fact on the day of the day it happened, it was beyond our authority,” he said.

Ade stressed that the parties involved in the amusement will be strictly processed.

“Later it will also be revealed during a police inspection,” he said.

Also read: Bogor Regent said about Rhoma Irama Daring Gig: Legal Process Goes on

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2020/07/01/18192441/rhoma-irama-boleh-mengatakan-apa-saja-tapi-proses-hukum-berjalan-terus?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">Illustration of corona virus that spread in Indonesia.Shutterstock Illustration of corona virus that spread in Indonesia.-

Called a partial PSBB violation, Rhoma Irama felt targeted

The circumcision event in Pamijahan District, Bogor, West Java was colored by the entertainment stage and presented dangdut singer Rhoma Irama.

The event was considered to violate the rules of the Bogor Regency Government as stipulated in Perbup Number 35 of 2020.

The district regulation regulates various kinds of scope, such as the level of regional vigilance and the determination of proportional large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) partially according to regional vigilance.

Perbup also regulates health protocols in order to adapt to new or normal habits.

Responding to accusations of breaking the rules, Rhoma Irama claimed to feel targeted.

In his statement, if there is a prohibition, it should have been done from the beginning, even since the establishment of the stage.

“Suddenly there was news that I wanted to be prosecuted, just for me. If you want to be prosecuted, of course it’s the district owner. As soon as the stage was standing on Saturday, it should have been banned if not allowed, “said Rhoma Irama.

Source: Kompas.com (Author: Contributor of Bogor District, Afdhalul Ikhsan | Editor: Aprillia Ika)

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