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Rhea Health Tone, the First Essential Oil Supplement in Indonesia from Natural Herbal Ingredients

MAKASSAR, UPEKS.co.id — Rhea Indonesia reintroduces its newest innovation, Rhea Health Tone, the first essential oil immunomodulator supplement in Indonesia derived from natural herbal plant extracts to protect body cells from oxidative stress and free radicals.

This product originated from the research results of the pharmaceutical company Rhea Pharmaceutical Science from Armenia, which has now been produced locally in Indonesia.

Rhea Health Tone is made from natural herbal plant extracts such as gardenia flower, myrrh oil, Indian frankincense, fennel, wild carrot and olive oil.

These various herbal ingredients have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant functions to increase body resistance or immunity. Rhea Health Tone has also obtained permission from BPOM as an immunomodulator as well as a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council.

Prof. Dr. dr. Iris Rengganis, SpPD, K-AI Internal Medicine Specialist, Consultant Allergy Immunology explained the importance of not being negligent in maintaining the condition of immunity even after being vaccinated, the immune system or immune system has a major role in protecting the body from bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

So he said, if the body’s immune system is weak, the body will not be able to fight various microorganisms that cause disease. Lifestyle and inherited health conditions also affect our body’s immune response.

Good immunity plays a role more than just reducing the risk of getting diseases such as Covid-19 or minor illnesses such as flu, but also supporting the recovery process if you get sick.

Prof.Dr.dr.Iris continued, although the pandemic condition is getting better and many people have received the vaccine, don’t be careless and keep trying your best to maintain health by continuing to optimize our immune system. Moreover, immunity plays an important role as the first line of our physical health.

In addition to active exercise and a healthy diet, the intake of the right supplements can complement our efforts to optimize the health of our bodies.

Ivan Wibowo Hudyana as President Director of Rhea Indonesia stated that by simply reducing the risk of getting diseases such as flu during this pandemic, we automatically reduce anxiety and worry for ourselves and our families. There is a lesson behind this pandemic, where more and more people are now trying to live a healthier life.

According to him, this healthy lifestyle will become a new habit after the pandemic is over. To balance consumers’ needs in complementing a healthy lifestyle with supplements that are proven to increase immunity.

“So Rhea Indonesia has started to produce Rhea Health Tone domestically to make it easier for consumers to access this trusted product with a wider distribution network and more affordable prices,” he said. (Mimi)


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