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Rezky Aditya Had Wanted to Receive a DNA Test, As Long As…


Wenny Ariani’s party received information that Rezky Aditya was willing to accept the challenge of a DNA test. However, it seems that Rezky has a special condition, namely that there is no form of report or lawsuit from Wenny.

“Yesterday, the reported party was not informed much. But the point that confuses me is the information that says that the reported party wants to do a DNA test, apart from all this,” said Wenny Ariani’s lawyer, Ferry Aswan at the South Jakarta Police.

This made Wenny’s side confused. Moreover, it was said that Wenny had submitted a DNA test challenge before his party sued or reported Rezky, but at that time Rezky didn’t want to.

“So there is no criminal report, no lawsuit. In fact, it makes our side even more confused. When we filed a criminal lawsuit, I already asked for it,” said Ferry.

“Before many people know, I have asked, let’s do a family DNA test. We have asked for it, but we don’t want it,” he continued.

Ferry also said that from the information he got, Rezky would also be responsible if the DNA test results were accurate.

“If it is proven that it is indeed his son, he (Rezky) wants to be responsible,” he explained.

However, with this information, Wenny’s side was confused. Wenny also continued to invite Rezky Aditya for a DNA test on the ‘official’ route.

“But why are you back there now, now that’s what I’m confused about. If it’s an official report, it’s better for an official lawsuit there, he does a DNA test, that’s what he has to do, because everything is official,” said Ferry.

Ferry challenges Rezky if the DNA test fails, then his client is ready to be reported back.

“Yesterday, what I did was a family request. But now it’s official, for example, if he is not proven, he can report back to my client. In fact, now the information I received is the same again. Back again,” he concluded.

Watch Videos “Rezky Aditya’s reaction to being asked about the case of child neglect
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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