It is very difficult to imagine an art theater without Rezia Kalniņa. The actress, however, admits that she has not completely said goodbye to the theater and has kept her place as a freelancer. She admits that she will also be seen in some of the future new productions.
“For now, I’m staying in the shows “Rothko” and “Smilģis”, which are in my repertoire. In these shows, I have roles that I have something to say and that complement me as a person. As for the rest, what else could be – it does not depend on me at the moment, but on the Daile Theater management; will they want to offer me in the castings, which is currently a very relevant actor selection process in Dailes Theater. However, it is important for me to always leave the option open. Therefore, I am inclined to give consent only to those roles that interest me. It is important for me to be given to read the play, get acquainted with the proposed role and evaluate whether it is interesting to me and whether it gives me something as an artist or not. From now on, I am my own agent.”
“Can I be bought with money?”
When asked if it took a long time for this step, the actress answers: “No, it was only three years.” And why? “Three years since I created “OratoriO”, a place for our hearts created together with my husband, a home place, in the “Sporta 2” quarter. Here I can talk about what is important to me with my colleagues. If we are talking about some kind of scales, then they are tilted in favor of me getting to know myself in this theater season. And not through roles, but together with “OratoriO” colleagues, asking themselves important questions. Both for yourself and the viewer.
And right now, the most important question for me is – what is the price of freedom? What does freedom even mean? Can money buy me? And how much money does it have to be to buy me? Can I be bought at all?
As my little brother Kristiņš said: “Rézij, you understand that freedom costs a lot!” Yes, I understand and am aware of that. If I received 1,300 euros a month at the Daile Theater, then that is the price of my freedom at the moment. Because I no longer receive these regular funds. But I want to be free!”
The actress explains about her decision to leave the Daile Theater staff: “I cannot be limited and reined in.” If I need to fly, I need to take to the wings. If I feel that there is a need to replenish myself in order to be able to give again, then time is needed. Because time is the concept that is extremely important. If I have nothing to give, I can only spend myself. The funeral of my colleague and dear friend actress Lilita Ozoliņa gave me a big push and the decisiveness to finally give myself the right to choose. I want the role offered to me to open up the view that I see from the window of my house in the morning or when I look at the sky. Let the role open my view to heaven.”
Speaking of Daile Theatre, looking back on this long period of time – almost three decades – which works, roles have left the greatest fulfillment and professional gain? “It is difficult to single out one in particular, but I can share the works in which I have had the greatest joy, which is a deficit in my life. It is definitely “Penelope and Dick”, “Yvonne Princess of Burgundy”, Fernando Krapa’s “Letters to Julia”, at the very beginning also “The Boys of Pauline”, where I was Nemechek. They have been roles that have also left a mark on my soul,” admits Rēzija Kalniņa.
From the productions of the last years, you can’t name a single one. “There is no feedback that comes to mind. Maybe that’s why I’m taking this break to collect something that would give me adrenaline and excitement again; when I can happily say: “Yes, I want it!” I don’t want anything yet. Only to create my “OratoriO”, where I can talk about a middle-aged woman. Although this is conditional – none of us knows how long or short the life span is left for each of us – maybe one day, maybe two weeks, but maybe tens of years more. Yes, I want to talk, tell about it and share with women about what, what choices, feelings we go through at this age.”
45 bright portraits of the actress Rezia Kalniņa
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Free diva!
What was it like saying goodbye to the management of the Daile Theater – friendly, with understanding and respect, or maybe the director tried to dissuade one of the brightest stars of his stage from going freelance? “No. We have a wonderful relationship and the freelance is not a permanent departure. I don’t “slam” anyone, I don’t hold any bitterness. It was a human mutual agreement for the break I needed. The door will always be open for me when I want to come back. It’s a good feeling. Juris Žagars is already very smart – both a man, an actor, a director, and a director. We have played so much together and he knows me very well. Respect that there is a moment when you need to let me go in order to get back later.”
When asked if this feeling of a break to work in the theater in Resia had really been sitting there for the previous three years, she says: “Rather, not in relation to Daile Theatre, but rather to herself. When a person starts asking himself questions, it still takes time to find answers to them. I am grateful to fate that, thanks to my husband, I have the privilege of receiving this much-needed break.”
Pleases your husband by allowing yourself to be pleased
“We are in Latvia, but soon Ainars is going to Germany again, then to France. We basically have this kind of dating life because my husband is out of the country all the time. He is currently attached to several locations. Although I won’t deny it – it was easier when he had one specific place, because then we had an apartment, while now we are “in suitcases” and living in hotels,” says Rēzija Kalniņa, who travels the world with her husband whenever possible.
Ainārs Rubiķis with his wife Rēzia Kalniņa
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And has Rezia already experienced the moment when, for the first time after leaving her job, she asked her husband to support her in buying new shoes? “Yes! I never actually have to ask him! Ainars always buys shoes when I want them. My husband laughs that I am the clown of our family; because I always make big cat eyes like the cat in Shrek at the right moments, and then I’m not denied what I want. I think that by letting him please me, by letting him take care of me, I am giving him pleasure. There’s really nothing to ask for. Because he is happy that I am always happy about everything like a little child, like a little girl. I have a ‘child inside’.”
Wants to talk about a woman at the crossroads of life
Speaking about the current creative processes, the artist says that she continues to work with Sean Grennan’s dramaturgy. “This will be the third play by this author that I have staged. The first was “Make God Laugh”, then “Tin Woman” in the Daile Theater, and now “OratoriO” is “When the stone slips by”. It is a story about the coming end of the world. When the end of the world passes by – what is left of you here? There remains a woman standing at the crossroads of life. Same as me. And I can’t answer yes or no. No answer yet. I am at ground zero and this woman is also at ground zero. And what happens to him? Miracles happen with him! And it is a well-known truth that when one door closes, another opens. The possibilities that the universe, God – or whatever we call it – are beginning to offer us, are miraculous, unique and joyful. In my opinion, a woman in Latvia really lacks true satisfaction. And it’s not about dresses, make-up, tunings, anything ostentatious, but about an absolute, joyful being.”
Rēzija Kalniņa and Kaspars Zemītis thrill the listeners in Liepāja
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Is this joy for Rezia now given by the newly acquired freedom, when she has all the opportunities to do what her heart desires, when she is not pressured and suffocated by frames imposed by others? “No one and nothing is suffocating us. Rather, we are the ones who suffocate ourselves with our own choices… But my joy was when I staged “Lāčplēsi”, which we will perform again in “Arena Rīga” on October 14, on the anniversary of composer Zigmars Liepiņš. Well, as a director, I will also prepare for the next large-format work “Finks”, which I will stage in the libretto of Jānis Lūsēns and Māras Zālīte. With this performance, we will tour Latvian concert halls. That satisfaction comes from seeing my actors perform with dedication and joy, without fear or doubt. It’s the perfect picture I see, either when I look at the sky or when I look at my actors.”
2023-09-04 03:23:00
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