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Rewe and Edeka compete with new online retailer

According to the food newspaper, almost a third of Germans currently order groceries online – both from Amazon, but also from retailers such as Rewe and Edeka. The delivery windows for the markets were booked out for weeks.

But now they have to beware of a new competitor: According to Chip.de, the Czech company Rohlik wants to expand to Germany this year, and not – as originally planned – not until 2025. By the end of 2020 it should be ready in Munich.

Online grocery stores benefit from corona crisis

In the Czech Republic, Rohlik already recorded enormous sales in 2019 with 160 million euros. The company already expanded to Hungary under the name Kifli and to Austria with the name Gurkerl.

In Germany, it is expected to enter the market under a different name, but most likely with the same success: in 2019, Rohlik was one of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Central Europe. In addition, acceptance of online grocery stores is increasing due to the corona crisis.

Before the lockdown, Germans were reluctant to buy their groceries online because they feared the freshness and quality of the products. For fear of the virus, many changed their minds and unexpectedly received many orders from Edeka, Picnic and Co. online delivery services. The trade expert Peter Hackmann from AlixPartners is convinced: “The current situation for online food trade is a great opportunity to move out of its niche. After the crisis, e-commerce will probably play a bigger role in this area because many Customers are now realizing that the offers are attractive. “

Advantages of Rohlik: Does the online company Edeka, Rewe and Co. suggest?

Rohlik uses a strategy similar to Picnic from the Netherlands. This company already supplies the cities of Dsseldorf, Mnchengladbach, Krefeld, Essen, Duisburg and Gelsenkirchen in Germany.

However, Rohlik promises delivery of the goods within two hours after receipt of the order. Picnic and Rewe only deliver on the following day if a time window is free. The delivery fee at Rohlik in the Czech Republic is € 2.96, at Rewe it can cost up to € 5.90.

Customers can put together their shopping cart online, the products from it are collected and taken to a delivery point. Own deliverers bring the orders to the customer’s house.

If not online food shopping: which supermarket has the best prices?

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