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Revolutionizing Ice and Snow Sports Talent Training in China: A Comprehensive Analysis

Xinhua News Agency, Hulunbuir, February 23 Title: Spring and Autumn bring abundant harvests

——Analysis of the new model of talent training for ice and snow sports in China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Rongfeng, Wang Chunyan, Ji Jiadong, Le Wenwan

There are many surprises and even more surprises in the “Fourteenth Winter” competition. Xu Mengtao and Jia Zongyang, the “veterans of four dynasties” in the Winter Olympics, missed out on medals, and Winter Olympic champion Qi Guangpu withdrew due to injury. There are regrets among veterans in the Winter Olympics, but more of them are full of vitality.

After the Beijing Winter Olympics, our country has consolidated and expanded the results of “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports”. The foundation of ice and snow sports is stronger, the foundation is deeper, the path is broader, and the prospects are brighter. A new model for ice and snow sports talent training has gradually taken shape.

spark into torch

The Liangcheng County Ski Resort in Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia was built in 2018. It is one of the few youth alpine skiing training institutions in Inner Mongolia. It currently has 58 team members, aged between 8 and 14 years old. With the help of the Liangcheng ski resort facilities, Liangcheng County continues to carry out the “Ten Thousand Students Going to Ice and Snow” research and practice activities, and offers ski classes in primary and secondary schools throughout the county, making skiing popular in this small mountain town with a registered population of less than 230,000.

According to reports, ice and snow sports have now entered more than 300 schools in Inner Mongolia, with more than 200,000 young people participating. The Inner Mongolia Ice and Snow Sports Association has led more than 40 primary and secondary schools in the region to build campus ice and snow sports clubs, promoted the formation of more than 80 campus ice and snow sports teams, and trained more than 160 teachers and technical talents with club teaching and management skills.

Li Kemin, director of the Tianjin Municipal Sports Bureau, said that Tianjin started from scratch in 2018 and established a winter and water sports management center. Today, there are nearly 200 winter sports athletes in Tianjin, and 150 people are sent to participate in the “14th Winter”. This kind of development speed was unimaginable before the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Ning Qin, my country’s first competitor in the snow skills event at the Winter Olympics, is now the coach of the Jilin snow skills team. For this “old man” who has been working hard in the snow field all year round, China’s ice and snow sports have entered an unprecedented good period. “Nowadays, the public’s acceptance of skiing is getting higher and higher. In the past, skiing was considered cold and dangerous. Now many parents and children understand this sport better, which is completely different from the older generation. Everyone’s acceptance is steadily increasing, and for As far as ice and snow sports are concerned, I feel like spring is here.”

Livingston, a Canadian, became the coach of Liu Jiayu, the runner-up in snowboard halfpipe skills at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics last September. He was impressed by China’s ski resort facilities. “In Canada, we only have one world-class U-shaped field, and I basically could only train there before retiring last year. But in China, I have seen three world-class U-shaped fields, and as far as I know, there is still one under construction. Under construction. The indoor venues in Chongli can overcome seasonal restrictions and meet long-term training needs. These facilities are undoubtedly strong support for the development of (Chinese) athletes.”

Zheng Yunlong, ski coach of the Shanxi team, believes that venue security is very important. A good venue can provide better training plans for athletes. Chengdu and Beijing and other places have also built Jianfeng dry snow four-season ski resorts, which can also imitate winter conditions for training in summer. , the air cushion landing is also safe, which are conditions he did not have when he was an athlete.

The “14th Winter” curling (open group) mixed doubles champion and Heilongjiang player Bad Xin said after the game that the curling sport in the past was no longer dominated by one player in the Northeast. Now it is flourishing and many players are competing. “The players participating this time are of very high standard, and the competition is very close. In previous leagues, we found that there were many young athletes from different regions, and the popularity of curling has increased rapidly.”

Ma Yongjun, the curling coach of the Heilongjiang team, has similar feelings to Badxin. He said: “There are more and more curling talents in southern provinces and cities, and the quantity and quality of talents have improved significantly compared with the ‘Twelve Winters’ and ‘Thirteen Winters'” , the increase in professional talents will allow our country to achieve new breakthroughs in this project.”

Technology assistance

It was a little accident that the Fujian team won the runner-up in the mixed doubles curling (open category) of the “14th Winter”. Zang Jialiang, captain of the Fujian men’s curling team, revealed after the game that one month before the game, the team collected blood to measure the athletes’ fatigue values, and then provided targeted training plans to improve the scientific nature of the training. Li Hongbo, the curling coach of the Fujian team, said that the Fujian team attaches great importance to thinking and technical and tactical training in training. In addition to regular physical training, it also trains the thinking ability of the players by reviewing game videos, playing games, and post-game analysis.

Inner Mongolia has also increased its investment in curling in recent years. Inner Mongolia curling team coach Guo Wenli revealed that during training, they use high-speed cameras to capture training footage, and then use software to analyze data such as curling lines and throwing force, making the training more digital and refined. change.

Badxin said that all kinds of equipment for athletes have been greatly upgraded now. “When we first started training, there were basically no professional venues and no such good equipment. Now the curling poles and balance shoes that everyone sees are top-notch in the world.” It is equipped with auxiliary electronic equipment during training. Now there are also scientific research teams from universities and other universities to help athletes do data analysis and statistics to make training more scientific and effective.”

From being an athlete to being a coach now, Zheng Yunlong deeply feels the changes in ski training methods. “The details of training are different now. The current method is very scientific. We (as athletes) practiced intensely and relied on quantity accumulation. We did not consider the fatigue of athletes before, but now it is more scientific.” Zheng Yunlong said, ” The Shanxi team has now set up a scientific research group, and we (as coaches) will communicate with them. With the help of scientific researchers, these children have made faster progress. We did not have this kind of support back then.”

According to Li Kemin, Tianjin invests more than 40 million yuan every year in winter sports team training, hiring scientific research and medical teams, and maintaining equipment and facilities. The Tianjin team training base is equipped with training facilities such as hyperbaric oxygen chambers, hypobaric oxygen chambers, and liquid nitrogen cold therapy chambers. The facilities and equipment are world-class. Among them, the liquid nitrogen cold therapy chamber can help athletes quickly get rid of muscle soreness and fatigue and maintain good physical condition. .

Looking back on her career, Ning Qin has many regrets and is filled with envy of the current training methods.

“2018 was the peak of my competitive level, but at that time I had to withdraw from the competition because of a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament. Now the children are developing rapidly. They have received formal and systematic snow training since they were young, and their basic skills are very good. Solid, this generation will go steadier and further than us.” Ning Qin said, “Nowadays, every aspect of training incorporates technology and scientific elements, and professional players are fully guaranteed, including diet. Players have professional Nutritionists ensure that the diet can fully meet training requirements.”

Multiple channels

Zhang Yiwei, who won the silver medal in men’s halfpipe skills for the Beijing team in the open snowboarding category at the “14th Winter”, currently runs a snowboarding club in Beijing. His club has trained more than 50 young students. He believes that gradually The emerging family joint training model will continue to consolidate the ice and snow talent pool.

“Family joint training has greatly reduced the burden on local teams. Now many parents are willing to push their children to become professional. They send their children to clubs for training when they are five or six years old, and the cost is borne by the family. Around the age of 10, players who meet the standards are transferred to local professional teams. “Zhang Yiwei said, “The local team has limited staffing. When I was in the Harbin team, there were only seven people after the expansion. The cycle of training a child for the local team is usually more than 10 years, and it is unknown whether the final results will be achieved. Now through family cooperation With training, families bear the initial training costs, effectively expanding the talent pool available for screening.”

As the youngest contestant in the women’s U-shaped field skills final of the “14th Winter” snowboarding open group, 12-year-old Zhou Yizhu is taking the path of independent development. When he was 5 years old, Zhou Yizhu participated in an eight-day training camp in Japan and received guidance from a New Zealand coach. Afterwards, her father accompanied Zhou Yizhu to the United States for training to help her pursue her skiing dream. After mastering the difficult movement of turning 900 degrees at the age of 9, Zhou Yizhu has become famous in the circle. Now she trains in Colorado, USA for several months every year. In 2023, Zhou Yizhu won the runner-up in the Winter Mountain Dew Tour.

The cross-border and cross-category selection policy implemented during the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics has come to fruition at this Winter Games. In the freestyle skiing aerials competition, the Henan team’s young player Chen Shuo, who defeated Jia Zongyang, Wang Xindi and other famous players to win the championship, is not yet 20 years old. He is a member of the gymnastics team who switched to winter sports through cross-border and cross-sport selection in 2018. Liu Xuanchi, the bronze medalist in women’s freestyle skiing aerials, first practiced gymnastics in Shandong and moved to Hebei six years ago to practice skiing. She was the only female athlete to try the triple platform in this competition. In the women’s snowboarding U-shaped field skills competition, Shanxi team’s contestants are all composed of children between 10 and 12 years old. 10-year-old Zhang Shuqi used to practice roller skating. In 2020, she passed the test and entered the Shanxi snowboarding team. Wang Manni and Guo Wanshi were the first A person who practices martial arts.

Li Kemin highly recognizes the joint training model of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. She believes that joint training not only broadens the talent options for strong ice and snow sports teams in the north, but also promotes the development of late-starting teams in the south. “In order to better popularize winter sports, the General Administration of Sports encourages provinces with traditional strong winter sports and provinces that started late to jointly train athletes. The strong provinces will recruit talents, and the cooperative provinces will provide a certain amount of funds. Both parties will jointly train athletes. This policy has great impact on the country. The development of competitive ice and snow sports has played a mobilizing role.” Li Kemin said that the introduction of ice and snow talents and cooperation and exchanges have effectively promoted the development of winter sports in Tianjin.

Long lasting success

22-year-old Li Tianma is the men’s individual runner-up in the “14th Winter” freestyle skiing aerials open category. He believes that the experience passed down by veterans such as Qi Guangpu and Jia Zongyang is a valuable asset for young players. “A lot of our experience comes from them. They may have taken many detours, but we took a straight path and can directly enter the sprint stage.” Li Tianma said, “Compared with foreign masters, the difficulty of the movements is actually Pretty much, the gap is experience. Accumulate experience and your level will rise.”

Ning Qin said that snow sports need time to settle down. Compared with Europe and the United States, snow sports started late in China. It took more than ten years to catch up with the path that others have taken decades, and it still takes time to make up for the lessons. “Foreign players only make choices when they are very good at skiing, such as snow skills or U-shaped courses. In China, when the skiing foundation is still very poor, they may start practicing special events directly, and the players’ foundation is not solid enough. This situation is difficult to completely change in the short term.”

Looking back on her own experience, Ning Qin believes that the experience of Chinese ski instructors is a process of absorption and transformation. As one of the first batch of snow athletes, she felt that the team members and coaches at that time did not know much and could only ask foreign teachers to learn from them. However, the running-in period between foreign teachers and Chinese team members was long. After the running-in period, the foreign teacher’s coaching cycle may be over.

“I don’t think what the foreign teacher told me in the first year was true. Only after the past three or five years did I understand what the foreign teacher meant.” Ning Qin recalled, “After our group of veteran players became coaches, they mastered certain foreign skills. With experience, the running-in period with young players will be shorter, communication will be smoother, and the training habits of the players will be better understood, and the coaching cycle will be longer. In the long run, excellent local coaches will have better coaching results.” (Participating reporters: Zhao Zehui, Enhao, Dai Jinrong, Liu Yichun)

2024-02-23 09:40:42
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