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Revolutionizing Generalist TV: Embracing Culture and Reflection

Perhaps the time has come for generalist TV to free itself from its linguistic laziness, from its catatonic state, from its sloppy and ramshackle vocation. It cannot go on only with crime news, gossip and spontaneous vulgarity, it cannot survive with that afternoon TV that smells of disillusionment and domestic frustration, it cannot continue to rely on programs where there is never any mention of books read (the the only books are those of the guest in the studio, who has his “latest effort” under his arm), of films seen, of music listened to, in short of ideas, stories, images, reflections.

It’s a TV that trains us so much in banality that we no longer know how to recognize those who behave in public with style, with a sense of institutions, with irony. For years Rai1 saved its conscience with the programs of Piero Angela, who became the prototype of the television cultural disseminator. But now it’s not enough. Fortunately, there are some signs of a U-turn, also supported by the ratings. The new season of «Pasto e presente» with Paolo Mieli has started again on Rai3, preceded by «Quante storie» by Giorgio Zanchini. Rai Storia (channel 54; come on, it’s not difficult to dial two numbers on the remote control!) every day offers excellent food for thought and Edoardo Camur’s meetings give rise to hope that not all is lost.

2023-11-30 19:56:13
#Curiosity #knowledge #Uturn #ratings

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