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Revolutionary Hybrid Closed Loop System for Diabetes Sufferers: Artificial Pancreas Eliminates Need for Insulin Injections

The Hybrid Closed Loop system or artificial pancreas will help the metabolic processes of the body of diabetes sufferers. (Photo: NHS)

JAKARTA – The National Health Service in England means that thousands of children and adults living with type 1 diabetes are no longer dependent on the ritual of insulin injections. The Closed Loop Hybrid System or artificial pancreas will help their body’s metabolic processes.

The medical technology sector is a hope for those suffering from serious illnesses to be able to recover or at least relieve the pain.

Interesting Engineering reported, Monday (8/4/2024), that the local NHS system will identify those who are eligible for the Hybrid Closed Loop system in the main area of ​​the pancreas, this is how it works. There is a sensor under the skin that automatically measures blood sugar levels. Then, the reading is sent wirelessly to the pump which calculates the amount of insulin needed.

NHS users just need to follow the data via their cellphone application. The option can help by allowing them to enter the exact amount of carbohydrates consumed at meals.

This will make life easier because they do not need to inject themselves with insulin as well as prevent attacks such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. This attack can be life-threatening for people with type 1 diabetes.

Is this safe?

Two years ago around 1,000 adults and children with type 1 diabetes were given an ‘artificial pancreas’ which has the potential to change their life chances for the better. The main goal is to find out whether this device technology can help people of all ages through the world’s first nationwide test.

“Type 1 diabetes is a diagnosis that can easily be missed, if someone is experiencing symptoms of urinating more frequently, thirsty, feeling tired and becoming thinner, then please come forward for support,” Dr Clare Hambling, National Clinical Director, said in a statement.

2024-04-08 17:48:38
#Good #News #Diabetes #Sufferers #Artificial #Pancreas

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