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Revolutionary Antiviral Drug Development by New Zealand Biotech Start-up Kimer Med

A Breakthrough in Antiviral Treatments: New Zealand Company Makes Significant Progress

The State of Anti-Viral Therapies

There are thousands of viruses in our world, but only around 220 are known to infect humans. Viruses, although not classified as living organisms, are incredibly small organic packages that enter animal cells to exploit their replication machinery, effectively producing more copies of themselves. While their motives remain unknown, they have been theorized to contribute to various health issues, including Alzheimer’s and immune system fatigue in old age.

However, the landscape of anti-viral therapies is less than ideal. Unlike most bacterial infections that can be shut down with ease, viral infections do not yet have the luxury of a simple remedy. Current anti-viral drugs are limited to vaccines, which are undeniably useful, or drugs that interfere with some parts of the viral life cycle, although not as effectively as desired. Age-related dysfunctions are often linked to persistent viral infections, but the available treatment options are limited, leaving a huge gap in managing these conditions effectively.

The Promising DRACO Technology

A ray of hope appeared with the emergence of the double-stranded RNA activated caspase oligomerizer (DRACO) technology. With the potential capability to selectively kill cells where viral replication takes place, DRACO offered the promise of swiftly and broadly addressing viral infections of various types. However, the research program began to face funding obstacles, ultimately stalling. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to secure funding, leaving the field open for another group to carry the torch forward.

Enter Kimer Med: A New Technology Arises

Kimer Med, a biotech startup based in New Zealand, has taken on the task of resurrecting the research on DRACO. The founders, driven by the potential lifesaving promise of broad-spectrum antivirals, established the company in March 2020, amidst the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Shocked by the lack of progress in DRACO’s development, considering the evident need, the founders capitalized on their scientific and entrepreneurial experience to pursue their objective.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, Kimer Med managed to unravel the core science behind DRACO, filling in the gaps that were intentionally omitted in the seminal research and associated patents. This extensive research and development has allowed them to refine and improve upon the original technology, surpassing their predecessor’s results against human viruses. Kimer Med recently announced its success in combating ten different viruses, including Dengue, Zika, Rhinovirus, Influenza, and HSV-2. Furthermore, they have developed a platform encompassing a broad-spectrum antiviral family, enabling the rapid development of modular treatments. With this platform, they have created and tested a diverse range of antiviral compounds, showing immense potential against numerous known and unknown viruses.

The Limitations and Promises of the Antiviral Breakthrough

Contrary to the initial aspirations of having a single miraculous therapy to eliminate all types of viral infections, the reality is more nuanced. The approach of Kimer Med leads to a family of broad-spectrum antivirals. The lead candidate has exhibited efficacy against Flavivirus family members such as Dengue and Zika viruses, with expectations of success against similar viruses within the class. The breakthrough has far-reaching implications for human health and longevity, as the long list of viruses infecting humans contributes to various diseases, including Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and forms of cancer. Additionally, latent viruses heavily affect the human population, deteriorating the immune system, and making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses as they age.

Unlike existing antiviral therapies that solely suppress or inhibit viral replication, Kimer Med’s antivirals actually fortify the innate immune system, aiding in the elimination of infected cells. Rather than unleashing the virus throughout the body, infected cells undergo a natural apoptosis process—organized breakdown and disposal of damaged, infected, or unwanted cells. This novel approach to targeting the common double-stranded RNA of viruses presents a breakthrough in antiviral development that has the potential to address a wide range of medical needs that remain unmet with existing treatments.

*This article is based on:
Original article title: “Kimer Med Brings Progress and Hope in Antiviral Therapies”
Original publication: FightAging.org, February 2024

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