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Revolution! L4 from the machine. A big change is planned for 16 million Poles

According to “RZ”, the new rules will affect 16 million Poles and will completely change the way of settling accounts by entrepreneurs paying contributions.

The processes are to be fully automated, so the need to submit documents will disappear, and at the end of the visit to the doctor, the patient will have granted benefit.

– We want to relieve the business and take over the settlement of contributions from companies – says “Rzeczpospolita” Prof. Gertruda Uścińska, president of ZUS .– Thanks to the automation of settlements, it is ZUS, not the payer of contributions, that will determine the social security obligation and the amount of the basis for assessing contributions and generate settlement documents.

ZUS inspections. “The plant should go beyond the clichéd thinking about contracts for specific work”

According to ZUS, the changes will simplify settlements and reduce fraud in the payment of benefits.

There is, however, the other side of the coin. As Rzeczpospolita writes, transferring the settlement of contributions to the Social Insurance Institution will mean that officials will impose their interpretation on them.

So far this SISTER had the right to contest the accounts. Now the opposite will be the case, and the employer who does not agree with the interpretation of the provisions will have to appeal.

As Rzeczpospolita writes, experts have some doubts about these promises. Because the rules for collecting contributions and calculating benefits are definitely not uniform. They depend, inter alia, on the type of contract (full-time, mandate, business activity), as well as on the provisions in the contracts themselves.

Insurance experts emphasize that automation is possible, but on one important condition – a significant simplification of the entire pension insurance system. So the revolution in automation of settlements must be preceded by a system revolution.

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