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Revolution in the healthcare sector: wearable medical devices

Thanks to these digital biomarkers, doctors get a more accurate view of their patients. Ingrid Maes, Managing Director of Inovigate Belgium: “Digital telemonitoring provides a longitudinal picture of patients. Doctors therefore don’t just see a snapshot of the moment patients come in for a consultation. As a result, they can better assess whether a given pattern is typical for a patient or exhibits an abnormality.”

It can be used in complex diseases

“Especially in areas where disease management is complex, wearable medical devices offer great added value,” says Ingrid Maes. “And then I think primarily of diseases such as Parkinson’s and MS. Under such conditions, the intensity of symptoms can vary greatly. Treatment also needs to be tailored to the patient, and therapy is often a combination of medication and lifestyle advice about more exercise, stress management, and nutrition. Wearable medical devices can educate patients in this.

Better to focus on prevention

Wearable medical devices are also valuable in terms of prevention. “Atrial fibrillation is a condition in which patients often experience no symptoms. Wearable medical devices can play an important role in such diseases,” says Sarah Perneel of Arseus Medical. Biomarkers measured over a long period provide predictive values ​​– up to several days in advance. On atrial fibrillation, for example, but also on heart attacks , COPD, etc. In case of certain abnormalities, the device can inform the attending physician or nursing staff via a alert inform. Or transmit the data to the hospital or treatment center where the patient is or is being treated.

Relieve pressure in the healthcare sector

Maarten Falter, a cardiologist at Jessa Hospital in Hasselt, predicts that wearables will eventually ease the pressure on healthcare. “Digital monitoring via wearable devices can take over some of the administration, routine tasks and manual measurements. This leaves more time for one-on-one conversations between doctor and patient,” he explains. “With wearable devices you can also detect certain diseases at an early stage and treat them appropriately. This way you avoid more intensive treatments at a later stage,” adds Sarah Perneel of Arseus Medical.

More comfort for the patient

Finally, wearable medical devices offer great benefits for the patient himself, says Maarten Falter: “Patients can take some of the care they need home. So they don’t always have to go to the hospital or to the doctor. In other words, they receive safe, high-quality care in a comfortable way.”

Telemonitoring via wearable devices also gives patients the secure feeling that the doctor is watching their backs at home. Ingrid Maes: “According to studies, pain patients who know they are being monitored by a doctor or nurse experience much less pain. The feeling of being constantly monitored is therefore an important aspect for the patient”.

Do you want to know more about telemonitoring? Look at here the complete round table with Ingrid Maes, Inovigate Belgium; Dr. Maarten Falter, Cardiologist at Jessa Hospital in Hasselt and Sarah Perneel, Arseus Medical.

Intelligent, medically validated wearable device for monitoring patients

CardiacSense is one of the smart telemonitoring tools that is making waves right now. The medically validated wearable may look like an ordinary lightweight wristwatch, but it’s an advanced all-in-one device that continuously records patient vitals. The medical device collects clinically relevant patient data 24 hours a day, seven days, which can be read at any time. This helps CardiacSense make a diagnosis. The wearable for outpatient patient monitoring can also be used preventively and can save lives.

What does CardiacSense measure?

  • Electrocardiogram
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Heart rate and heart rate variability
  • Breath frequency
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Oxygen saturation

Come on here everything you need to know about this high tech medical device.

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