Prominent VVD members are affiliated with Klassiek Liberaal, including municipal councilors, aldermen and former MPs. Chairman Lagas especially thinks GL’s positions on migration, the energy transition and security are a ‘no go’. “We are diametrically opposed on almost every point.”
Lagas fears a country full of windmills and solar panels. “And soon we will have to shout ‘pang pang’, because then we will have no more bullets because of GL.”
Moreover, the VVD members fear a massive wave of migrants to the Netherlands if they work together with Klaver’s club. According to Lagas, 150 prominent VVD members are behind the petition, which will be submitted on Friday to call Rutte to order. “We are still behind him,” emphasizes the chairman of Classical Liberal.
Classical Liberal steps on the brakes more often when the VVD threatens to go too far to the left as far as the club is concerned. Lagas admits that the call is not representative of the entire VVD, but warns that opposition to a coalition with GL is growing rapidly.
Lunch Update
Daily during lunch an update of the most important news.