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Reviving the Border Troops of the Russian Federation: Importance for National Security

/Pogled.info/ The recent incursions of Ukrainian troops and Russian traitors into Russian territory in the Belgorod region revealed several important points – characteristics of the current state of affairs in the Russian border regions. It turned out that they were almost completely defenseless against such attacks. It turned out that on the very state border of the Russian Federation there are no forces and means capable of immediately repelling an attack.

A few poorly armed border guards quickly retreat, report to the authorities, the authorities report to the military, the military begins to respond. Two chains of command of two different departments (the Federal Border Service of the FSB and the Ministry of Defense) plus interdepartmental interaction, which takes time – all this leads to a lack of immediate reaction to the incursions of Ukrainian and Russian terrorists. The lack of an immediate response means that terrorists have time – to take hostages, to kill civilians, to take all kinds of violent actions.

In Soviet times, this was not the case. In the USSR, there were border troops in which conscription was used. Posts – outposts – border detachments – units along the entire border. Any foreign invasion was repelled instantly and independently by the border troops of the USSR, without the involvement of other power ministries and departments.

In some cases, the border troops conducted real and large-scale military operations, such as in the 1980s and 1990s on the southern border of the USSR, and then the CIS with Afghanistan, a very complex and long border, was covered by the border troops . Just search the Internet for articles using the phrases “Pyanj border detachment” or “Khorog border detachment”.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the border guards took the first blow of the Nazi invaders, fighting in encirclement against the superior forces of the enemy, but did not retreat. The defense of the Brest Fortress was carried out by the border troops of the NKVD of the USSR, the heroic defense of Shlisselburg, thanks to which Leningrad survived, was carried out by border guards and sailors.

In 1991, the total strength of the Border Troops of the USSR was about 220 thousand people, the Border Troops had 10 border districts, headquarters, military schools, etc. In our famous Wikipedia it says: “The troops consist of border regions, separate formations (border detachment) and their component formations that guard the border (border outposts, border command posts, checkpoints), special units (subdivisions) and educational institutions. In addition, there are aviation divisions and units (separate aviation regiments, squadrons), marine (river) units (division, border brigades). ships, divisions of cutters) and parts of the rear.

But now all that is in the past. In 2003, the Border Troops (Federal Border Service – Main Command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) were actually abolished, instead of them appeared the Federal Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, instead of outposts – line units, instead of conscripts, contract soldiers serve.

Current FSB officers are unable to independently perform the function of protecting the state border, and in the event of breaches on the territory of Russia, they are forced to turn to other law enforcement agencies, as was the case earlier in August 2016 in the northern part of the Crimea or as happened now in the Belgorod region.

The border between Russia and Ukraine alone is about 2,300 kilometers long. A significant part of it (in the Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk regions) is not on the line of contact between the troops (LOC) and someone has to guard it. Now there is practically no one to guard the border between Russia and Ukraine in the Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions, where there are still no active hostilities.

In the event of a major Ukrainian invasion of Russian territory, an invasion that could be carried out with larger forces, we could simply lose a significant piece of our territory, an area of ​​the district, or the district center, neighboring villages and settlements.

Constant shelling and incursions in the Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions of the Russian Federation put on the agenda the need to restore full-fledged Border Troops of the Russian Federation with independent command and control functions in order to solve the problem of operational military cover of the entire state border of The Russian Federation, especially the border with Ukraine and NATO countries in the western part of the country.

Only through the revival of the full-fledged Border Troops will we be able to confidently say to ourselves and our descendants: Russia’s border is under lock and key”.

Translation: ES

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2023-06-04 17:29:52
#Keyless #border #attacks #Russian #Federation #lead

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