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Revised Salaries of People’s Deputies in Ukraine: Everything You Need to Know

How much will people’s deputies be paid?

In Ukraine, starting from January 2024, salaries for people’s deputies have been increased as a result of a revision of the cost of living. At the same time, thanks to the government’s decision, the salaries of a large number of officials were reduced. Read about how salaries were revised in the OBOZ.UA material.

The salaries of people’s deputies are tied to the subsistence level. However, in addition to the salary itself, deputies will receive funds to compensate for their activities, money to rent an apartment, and sometimes bonuses for intensity. For example, speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk last year had a salary of 32.2 thousand UAH, but in fact he received an average of 99.7 thousand UAH.

Thus, according to the declaration, Stefanchuk received UAH 718,333 in salary and UAH 478,833 in compensation for expenses. That is, monthly it is 99,763 UAH. This is three times more than the “bare” salary.

How the salaries were increased:

  • Head of the Verkhovna Rada – from 32,208 to 36,336 UAH;
  • first deputy – from 30,866 to 34,822 UAH;
  • deputy – from 29,524 to 33,308 UAH;
  • head of the committee – from 28,182 to 31,794 UAH;
  • committee member – from 26,840 to 30,280 UAH;

Every people’s deputy who does not have housing in the capital (or the housing is not registered in his name) has the right to compensation for the cost of rent. They pay 237.9 thousand UAH per year. This is approximately 19.8 thousand UAH per month. For this money you can rent an apartment in the center of the capital. 88.4 thousand UAH per month are given for the salaries of assistants (another 19.4 thousand UAH to compensate for wage taxes). 7.5 thousand UAH per month can be received for compensation of expenses for the performance of deputy duties.

In total, 1.4 billion UAH will be spent on the Verkhovna Rada next year. Last year, the parliament cost the budget UAH 1.26 billion.

In Ukraine, public authorities have traditionally left some vacancies vacant (last year, about 30 thousand vacancies remained vacant). The budget for these vacancies was received and then distributed among other employees. This was how they managed to compensate for the low salaries. In some positions, allowances reached 260%.

For example, a department head managing 3-5 people could have a salary of about 10 thousand UAH. However, it was impossible to find a manager for such a salary. Therefore, they assigned a large bonus; as a result, they could pay, for example, 26-30 thousand UAH, which corresponds to the salary of a middle manager.

But starting from the new year, the government changed the rules and prohibited receiving salary increases that exceed 30%. The salary itself will be increased, but this will not help maintain the market level of salaries. “When vacancies are not filled for years, in order to have a wage fund, to pay the minimum wage to people… They hang around for years. Now that the wage structure will change and there will be a decent official salary,” – told Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleg Nemchinov on the air of the telethon.

As OBOZ.UA previously wrote, they are actively looking for locksmiths in Ukraine. In Kyiv they are ready to pay them about 30 thousand UAH, but there are not enough free hands.

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2024-01-19 01:30:00

#Peoples #deputies #salaries #raised #officials #salaries #reduced #parliamentarians #paid

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