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REVIEW. ‘Storm Lara’: “Not a hurricane, but a fresh whirlwind that colors outside the lines” | Viewing guide

TVIn a bad summer in which our country was ravaged by flooding and sweltering weather, Streamz appropriately comes up with a mini-series that takes place during a stormy night. Radio host Lara receives a mysterious phone call that turns her whole life upside down and turns into a nail-biting cat-and-mouse game. But do you need this Streamz Would you also like to stream the original starring Ella Leyers? Bram De Brabander is looking for it our Viewing Guide out for you.

Who are they and what drives them, those radio presenters who brighten the night with obscure music and useless facts? And who actually listens to that chatter at those impossible moments? Luk Alloo and Paul Jambers could undoubtedly make a fascinating report about it – “do you really feel freer at night?” – but the mini-fiction series ‘Storm Lara’ also makes an attempt to answer those pressing questions of life. In four episodes we are introduced to the main character of the same name – a role by Ella Leyers – and after minute one it is clear that the young thirty-something is not a conventional presenter. “First I would like to take you to the buckets of shit that I received again this week from my countless admirers”, she kicks off her program, on which she reads a lot of hurtful tweets and finally also the first record to her instructs fans: ‘Screw U’.

Watch the trailer for ‘Storm Lara’ here:

It soon becomes apparent that after an incident with a minister, Lara has been relegated to the late hours on the channel and that her boss closely follows her shows, waiting for a moment to finally kick her out. During a stormy night, however, a phone call from the mysterious Suzy (Anemone Valcke) threatens to completely change the radio host’s existence. The young woman is standing on a bridge, ready to end what she says is “f*cking useless life” after a painful breakup. While Suzy’s call is initially laughed at – “she just wants attention, so often people are ready to jump on a bridge” – it soon becomes apparent that there is more going on and the situation derails. same pace as the Demarez case. As a result, the series suddenly turns into an at times nail-biting thriller, in which the theme of ‘love and relationships’ is criticized in particular. “Lara, you seem so happy with your husband on Instagram,” Suzy remarks delicately. But as is often the case in the social media universe, nothing is what it seems and the so-called ‘power couples’ are the most shit.

(Read more below the photo.)

Ella Leyers in ‘Storm Lara’. © Streamz

All episodes of ‘Storm Lara’ take place in one night with the same main characters, which sometimes makes you feel like you’re watching a play instead of a TV series. A daring move, which ultimately works thanks to the strong acting and the perfectly sophisticated shaving creation. Anemone Valcke in particular shines, because she only portrays the lability of the tormented Suzy very credibly with her voice, but Ella Leyers also convinces as the egocentric and complex radio star. The fact that the series does not quite manage to stick is because the scenario rattles in some areas. At a certain moment, for example, there are just too many coincidences to give the storyline extra oxygen and the role of Aïcha Cissé as suicide prevention employee Stella is insufficiently developed to be credible in the picture.

However, we cover those mistakes with the cloak of love, because while the reboots, remakes and sequels nowadays fly around you at the speed of a tornado, series that dare to take a different approach deserve just that little bit more praise. ‘Storm Lara’ may not be a hurricane to blow you away, but it is certainly a fresh whirlwind, showing that sometimes it pays to color outside the lines.

Streams or ships?

Stream. ‘Storm Lara’ is one of the most refreshing series unleashed on the world in the stormy 2021. Not groundbreaking, but definitely worth checking out.

Our judgment?

Time left? read here all our streaming tips.

‘Storm Lara’ can be viewed on Streamz.

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