The review of the Obesity Directive will be completed at the end of 2023. Partnership Overweight Netherlands (PON) has been awarded a subsidy for this by the Ministry of Health. This means that doctors and other health care providers will soon have to deal with a new guideline for tackling and preventing obesity, so that the treatments are more closely aligned with the causes of severe obesity. This is reported by NOS.
The current guideline has existed since 2008. No changes have been made to it, despite the growing problem. Many diseases are obesity-related and more have been added in recent years. For example, the guideline not only contains information about diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but also about cancer, fertility problems and knee complaints.
Abdominal size
An important revision is the way in which overweight is determined. Doctors and other health care providers have been sticking to the Body Mass Index for years, but soon the waist circumference will also be an important factor for estimating health risks. With BMI it is actually said that one person with a BMI of 40 has exactly the same health risks as another person with a BMI of 40. And that is not the case. For example, a bodybuilder also has a high BMI, but no fat mass around his or her abdomen.
By: National Care Guide / Johanne Levinsky
2023-07-12 09:07:41
#Obesity #diagnosed #differently #guideline