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Review: Jurassic World: Domination | We support the movie

The dinosaurs were to remain extinct, this series had long since lost any magic.

Jurassic Park in 1993 he brought a completely understandable upheaval as he reliably revived the dinosaurs. For the audience, the “scientific” approach to the problem was also spicy, which indicated that we had something similar at our fingertips. Steven Spielberg saved the lizards properly, worked with the atmosphere, found a fantastic cast and put together a precise feature film. It works to this day and for all the honor. Personally, however, I never understood how it was possible that it became such a hit from the whole series, when none of the sequels reach the original film even to the ankles.

Latest Jurassic World: Dominance unfortunately, the declining trend did not reverse it. On the contrary, it turns out that either the substance is completely exhausted, or at least the studio is afraid to let anyone who has the courage (and ability) to do anything interesting with it.

Universal Pictures

Jurassic World: Dominance

First Jurassic world in 2015, for the first time, it showed an open park that visitors go to. Jurassic World: The End of the Empiree brought the demise of the dinosaur island and the first tapping of lizards with the outside world. And now there is a view of the coexistence of lizards and humans. Leaving aside the considerable nonsense of the whole plot, when the film pretends that lizards have been infesting practically the whole world since last time, the whole concept could have quite a decent potential.

Unfortunately, it does not work with him in any interesting way. Here and there the story is rubbed against various poachers, genetic games or the topic of a global environmental disaster caused by human intervention, but Domination she deals with all this only extremely superficially, probably so that she can boast that in addition to attractions, she is also interested in something deeper.

Universal Pictures

Jurassic World: Dominance

Most viewers will probably not mind if they enjoy the attractions. For me, the whole film is too stimulating in this respect, predictable, machine-made, cunning and without an idea. There are a huge number of dinosaurs everywhere, and the times when they managed to amaze with their mere existence are there. All lizards are processed at a high technical level, yet I seldom felt that I was watching something real. Maybe it’s just because the effects are not spared. While the original Jurassic Park he must have wondered how many times and how a dinosaur really shows us, they’re around every corner now. It does not work with the viewer’s imagination, with the play of light and shadow, with a refined cut. The dinosaurs are simply in sight and are counting on the tightening of the trick department. I’m not saying the effects were weak somewhere, but some amazement just didn’t come.

Maybe it’s also the way the picture is shot overall. An awful lot of shots were taken in front of a green (blue) background and you know it. Right at the beginning, the hero Owen served Chris Pratt he rides through the snowy landscape, and it simply feels that Pratt is not galloping across a freezing valley, but is actually somewhere in the studio. When the visual effects no longer protrude from the canvas, it is at least obvious that the characters are in the scenery. This may be due to the fact that it was filmed under strict pandemic measures, where the actors did not pull their heels out of carefully monitored London studios, but the audience must either not know this or the production should have postponed the filming.

Universal Pictures

Jurassic World: Dominance

What is happening to the dinosaurs is also not a big hit. Any really strong idea is missing. All scenes are largely variations on previous shots. They are just more extensive, the dinosaurs are bigger, there are more of them or they are in some new context. It’s as if someone thought that if we haven’t seen lizards in the snow, in a historic city or in a cave, it will be enough for dinosaurs to just show up.

Not even human figures save it in any way. The dialogues are starchy, the motivation is minimal – for most figures it shrinks into one descriptive sentence. The characters may also be in the story unnecessarily, here it was probably just a matter of bringing both heroes out of Jurassic worldyes z Jurassic Park and pretend to be a spectacular finale and a great nostalgic moment. Contemporary characters (Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard) are simply indistinct. The historical ones benefit from their rich history and the charism of the actors (Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum), but they also drop practically only what, according to the screenwriters, the audience “wants to hear” (nostalgic recollection) or roughly explain why they are involved in current events.

Universal Pictures

Jurassic World: Dominance

DeWanda Wise as a pilot Kayla is charismatic, she has good energy and should be the main heroine of the story. However, her only qualification to participate in the events is a pilot’s license. The character is otherwise an absolute enigma and thus records everyone who will want to blame the creators for the fact that Kayla is in the script only because the studio wanted to increase the representation of African Americans and women. Campbell Scott as the central antagonist, Lewis Dodgson shoots quite politically from the Silicon Valley antisocial egomaniacs, who insist that technology will save the world, but his character is still only a very basic feature, without any shadowing.

When you put together such superficial figures with a corporate approach, which is clear from the film and digital, often incredible action scenes, any feeling of danger is greatly lost. Either you’re completely a jerk if the character survives, or you just don’t believe anything could happen to her. Whether it’s anything that screenwriters can do in this “animated film” without the laws of physics, but also because you somehow subconsciously feel that the studio Universal will want to bring the familiar names back into play in another movie.


Jurassic World: Dominance not a tragedy. It’s actually quite a well-done craft, where you can see at a glance how much work there was in the whole film, and that someone in the production made sure that no unloaded nonsense or unfinished work got on the screen. Probably also managed to fully fulfill the production / corporate assignment, where the goal was to build on previous films, show dinosaurs in a different way, invent enough interesting moments for trailers, bring new lizards for posters and toys, play the nostalgic string, have some marketing ecological parable and pretending to be the culmination of an era that no one should miss.

But the first thing was to find a way to do all this, not to offend anyone, not to recombine it, to shoot it for affordable money, to manage everything in a deep pandemic. Previous Jurassic World: The End of the Empire he may have far more moments to grab his head, but at least there are attempts at a bold idea here and there in the picture, and it works well with tension and atmosphere. Jurassic World: Dominance is such a professional, smooth “nothing”.

Photo: Universal

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