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Review: Haval M6 – A Roomy Crossover with Modern Features

The Haval M6 was included in our test because we really wanted to understand what a roomy crossover could do at a price comparable to the smaller Jolion. However, while we were deciding organizational issues, Haval “corrected” itself by making the M6 ​​a little more expensive.

But first things first.

First impressions

Slightly goggle-eyed, smiling across the entire width of the large radiator grille, the handsome guy is a bit reminiscent of the older model – the F7. In general, it is a completely modern, neutral (not beautiful, but not repulsive) car, with a minimum of Asian design delights. But there are several design solutions that attract attention.

A wide gap between the headlight and the hood is a hint that the latter is not closed properly

Something is wrong with the hood. The wide gap between it and the headlights hurts the eye, which gives the feeling that the lid is not slammed shut. And just glancing over the uniform hood-fender connector, you realize that everything is in order, the engine compartment is securely locked.

Uncovered M6 sills will collect road dirt and stain the legs/pants legs of the driver and passengers when entering and exiting

Wide sills protrude from under the doors (protect the driver and passengers from side impacts?). In bad weather, your trouser legs will get dirty both when entering and when leaving.

The rear towing eye is welded, located in the middle of the body under the bumper

Welded towing loops. These are not screw-in “eye bolts” that, if necessary, need to be screwed into an unknown place. The rear loop sticks out under the bumper, right in the middle of the car – good access, it’s easy to hook a cable to it. But the front one, located on the side of the right wheel, is hidden deeper and is much more difficult to reach.

The exhaust is modern – a cut of the exhaust pipe at the level of the lower edge of the rear bumper, on which there are exhaust simulators.

VAZ devices and vertical tablet

Torpedo Haval M6 looks very modern

The front panel pleases the eye with both texture and execution. The upper part is covered with plastic with high-quality embossed stitching. Just below is a soft covering with a natural seam.

The M6 ​​instrument cluster is very reminiscent of VAZ 2103-2106

The instrument cluster with round dial tachometer and speedometer makes you nostalgic for similar instruments on VAZ “threes” and “sixes”. True, there is a coolant temperature indicator built into the lower part of the tachometer, and a fuel tank indicator is built into the speedometer. Between the large round panels is a black and white display displaying the car’s mileage, driving mode icons and readings from a simple on-board computer.

The central composition of a multimedia tablet, coupled with ventilation deflectors, climate control knobs, as well as the frame of the automatic transmission control joystick, slightly resembles a transforming robot with its mouth slightly open

In the middle part of the “dashboard” there is an original composition of a large monitor (although the multimedia screen inscribed in it is much smaller), ventilation deflectors and a number of physical buttons and knobs under them.

There is a shelf for your phone, but there is no wireless charging

The left one controls the speed of the climate system fan, the right one controls the music volume. The buttons allow you to control the heated driver and passenger seats, heating system, windshield defogger, rear electric heating, emergency lights and mode switching (“Normal”, “Eco”, “Sport”).

Below is a shelf for your phone, but there is no wireless charging. But there is a USB connector for a wired one. The lower tier of the center console contains a decent-sized shelf and a 12-volt outlet. On top there is space for glasses, keys and various small items. There is a spacious box between the front seats. The glove box is small, although an A4 sheet fits there.

In a four-place block of different keys, one place is reserved, even for cars on the Chinese market

On the left side of the instrument panel there is a headlight corrector, ESC deactivation and a hill descent assistant.

Welcoming seats and a huge trunk

The front seats look very comfortable

The front seats have comfortable, non-Chinese large, well-profiled cushions. True, the backs are almost flat, with insufficient lumbar support. Although they do have “ears” for lateral support.

The rear sofa does not have a folding armrest – savings!

The rear seat allows you to change the angle of the backrests (five positions!), which are divided in a ratio of 40 to 60, or recline them to increase trunk volume. The handles for unlocking them are very convenient, located on the upper ends of the backrests.

However, the most pleasant bonus of soul saddles is that they are covered with fabric. These, unlike the already familiar “leather” ones on most modern “Chinese” shoes, will not freeze your butt in winter or burn it on hot summer days.

The luggage compartment is simply huge


The trunk is very roomy, with plastic sides, 600 liters by eye (the manufacturer declares more than 800, but in China the volume is measured up to the ceiling). There are protrusions on the plastic sidewalls on which you can rest a sheet of plywood, cut to the required size by the handy owner (the standard floor does not fit here) and capable of turning the trunk into a bookcase. There is nothing to hide the contents of the compartment from prying eyes, although there are elements for fastening a roll-up shelf on the sides. Apparently, it was simply removed to save money.

The trunk floor is much lower than the level of the rear seatbacks folded forward, so a flat floor is not possible in this embodiment.

When the rear seat backs are folded forward, do not expect a flat floor – due to the fact that it is lower in the trunk than the plane of the seat, a decent ledge is obtained. But there is a lot of space. On the Haval website the figure is 1700 liters, but this is probably up to the ceiling. I believe that a whole cubic meter will go up to the level of the windows.

Craftsmen can make an additional shelf in the trunk, which will turn it into a bookcase. With this option, you can take exactly twice as many seedlings to the dacha

In the cargo compartment, the lamp is located on the ceiling – it illuminates the entire trunk. In the center of the cabin there is another lamp, more likely aimed at rear seat passengers. There are three light bulbs on the ceiling in the front of the car: two individual lights, plus one common one, controlled by physical buttons. Unfortunately, there is no backlighting of the buttons.

There is enough space under the trunk floor for a full-size wheel, but for reasons of economy there is a stowage wheel there

The spare tire is poor – a narrow stowage, but there is enough space under the floor for a full-fledged wheel. True, for this you will have to attach a jack somewhere.

To be continued

Text, photo: Sergey MISHIN (Protector-Team)

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2023-09-24 16:30:02
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