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Review: Dirt 5 – Sim fans are in the wrong place

Dirt 5 is currently at a tipping point as the game appears on the eve of a new generation of consoles. Gamers can safely take the game to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, but we don’t have that luxury at the time of writing. It also ensures that the game leaves me with mixed feelings in terms of graphics.

In itself Dirt 5 looks great. Cars have been faithfully recreated, although I would have preferred something more to break than just some visual damage. The same goes for the different locations: you really have the feeling that your car is sinking into the snow and mud and blowing dust clouds on the gravel roads. Especially in combination with the fierce weather effects, a fine example of work from Codemasters Cheshire, the game really feels like an off-road racing game.

However, the game does not live in a bubble. Seeing images on the new generation of consoles in relation to my own experience, it immediately becomes clear that this is the older generation. Codemasters tries to brush this away by offering the option to race at 30 frames per second for some extra effects, but I can’t recommend this to anyone: in a smooth racing game like this you just want those 60 frames per second on your console. fully utilize.

If you really want to get the most out of Dirt 5 and are going to buy a new console, just wait another week until you start. Your experience will only get better. Are you waiting for the new generation, or do you already have a big game PC and are you looking for some awesome action, then Dirt 5 is definitely worth it.

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