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Review: Cracking the Questions of the Times and Leading the Way of Development——President Xi Jinping’s Speech and Address at the Davos Forum Inspired the World

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 16th Review: Cracking the Questions of the Times and Leading the Way of Development——President Xi Jinping’s Speech and Address at the Davos Forum Inspired the World

Xinhua News Agency reporter Qiao Jihong Su Liang Zhang Yuan

The same Davos blizzard, different world turmoil.

After three years, guests from various countries came to the Swiss town of Davos in winter again to participate in the 2023 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum that began on the 16th local time. After major events such as the new crown epidemic and the escalation of the Ukraine crisis, people have more deeply realized that changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways.

Since 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping has delivered speeches and speeches at the Davos Forum three times. From a historical and philosophical perspective, he has explained China’s economic globalization proposition and the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and profoundly answered “what happened to the world, what should we do?” “The question of this era. Profound thoughts travel through time and space, shining more and more light of truth, highlighting the power of leadership in the midst of major changes and changes, and arousing long-lasting echoes around the world.

Lead the direction of common development

In the first year of 2023, the World Bank released a new “Global Economic Prospects” report, arguing that the global economy is “dangerously close to a recession.”

Looking at the world today, the global economy is fragile, geopolitical tensions, lack of global governance, widening differences between the North and the South, increasing climate change hazards, superimposed food and energy crises, and negative spillovers from the financial policies of major countries. Division and turmoil continued unabated. Peace or War? Development or decline? Open or closed? Cooperation or confrontation? The two forces are in fierce confrontation, and the proposition of the times “Where is the world going?” urgently needs an answer.

In 2017, President Xi Jinping made an in-depth analysis of “what’s going on in the world” in Davos, explained “how to see” and “how to do” and other major issues, and made a clear judgment on the development direction of economic globalization: “The ocean of the world economy, you want to Or not, it’s all there, it’s unavoidable. If you want to artificially cut off the capital flow, technology flow, product flow, industrial flow, and personnel flow of each country’s economy, and let the world’s economic sea retreat to isolated small lakes and small rivers, It is impossible and does not conform to the trend of history.”

At critical junctures that are critical to the development of human society, there are always Chinese propositions that have insight into the changes of the times, providing wisdom and injecting strength for the common development of the world.

——Facing the rise of unilateralism and protectionism, President Xi Jinping has a clear attitude: “Practicing protectionism is like shutting yourself in a dark room. It seems to have escaped the wind and rain, but it also isolates the sun and the air. Fighting a trade war The result can only be a lose-lose.”

——In the face of the noise of “decoupling” and “broken chain” in the world, thinking of beggar-thy-neighbor and zero-sum game, building “small courtyards and high walls” and engaging in closed and exclusive “small circles”, President Xi Jinping emphasized: “Economic globalization It is the trend of the times. When the great river rushes toward the sea, there will always be a countercurrent, but no countercurrent can stop the great river from going eastward. Momentum helps it move forward, and resistance makes it stronger.”

——In the face of how to build a post-epidemic world and how to deal with the major challenges facing human development, President Xi Jinping proposed to “promote more inclusive global development”, “promote more inclusive global development” and “promote more resilient global development”.

Clear and powerful words penetrate the fog and undercurrents, strengthen confidence and courage, and inject strong ideological power into promoting strong, sustainable, inclusive and balanced growth of the global economy.

China is a big country with a comprehensive vision and plan for promoting global sustainable development. President Xi Jinping is a leader of a big country who provides a vision and plan for solving major problems facing mankind.” Keith, Vice Chairman of the British 48 Group Club Bennett commented so.

Throughout history, human society has grown and developed through overcoming challenges one after another. “Make full use of all opportunities and cooperate to meet all challenges” “Mankind has only one earth, and mankind has only one common future”… President Xi Jinping has repeatedly called on the world to replace conflict with dialogue, coercion with consultation, and win-win Zero-sum, combine the interests of the country with the common interests of all countries, strive to expand the convergence of common interests of all countries, and build a harmonious and cooperative international family.

The theme of this year’s Davos Forum Annual Meeting is “Strengthening Cooperation in a Divided World”. Borger Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, deeply agrees with President Xi Jinping’s proposition. He said that the way out to deal with global problems is global solutions. “China firmly promotes free trade and has played an important role in uniting all parties.”

Gather the power of openness and integration

At the beginning of the new year, the heads of state of the Philippines and Turkmenistan visited China one after another. President Xi Jinping held phone calls, video meetings and exchanged telegrams with many foreign leaders. Major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has opened a new chapter, and people have witnessed a new journey in which China’s development and the development of the world are mutually integrated and mutually achieved.

In today’s world, the destiny of mankind is shared. All countries are not riding on more than 190 small boats, but on a big ship with a shared destiny. Only by tearing down walls instead of building them, opening up without isolation, integrating without decoupling, and promoting the building of an open world economy can we withstand the turbulent waves of the global crisis.

Make great efforts to develop global interconnection, so that countries around the world can achieve interconnected growth; build an open world economy, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation; promote economic globalization towards a more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced, and win-win direction Development… From the Davos Forum to the Boao Forum for Asia, and then to the Bali Summit of the Group of Twenty, China has repeatedly issued a strong voice to promote economic globalization.

In November 2022, at the opening ceremony of the 5th CIIE, President Xi Jinping once again announced China’s proposition to the world – “We must use openness to alleviate the difficulties of development, use openness to gather the power of cooperation, use openness to gather the momentum of innovation, Seek shared benefits through openness, promote economic globalization, enhance the development momentum of all countries, and let the development results benefit the people of all countries more and more equitably.”

From the avenue to simplicity, hard work is the key. China not only takes the pulse of global development, but also insists on implementing it, and contributes to promoting the opening and integration of the world with practical actions.

Whether it is the Service Trade Fair, the Canton Fair, or the Consumer Expo and the Import Expo, the venues are full of popularity and success. China actively shares development opportunities with the world. “Investing in China is investing in the future” has become a general consensus. The negative list of foreign investment access continues to shrink, the Hainan Free Trade Port sets sail, the new land-sea channel is accelerated, and a new pattern of comprehensive opening up with internal and external linkages and east-west mutual aid is taking shape.

From Asia to Europe, from Africa to Latin America, the high-quality development of China’s “Belt and Road” projects has continuously achieved new results, benefiting the people of all countries. In the past year, five more countries have signed cooperation documents with China to jointly build the ‘Belt and Road’; the trial operation of the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway has been completed successfully; the cumulative number of passengers sent by the China-Laos Railway has exceeded 9 million; More than 1 million vehicles; the number of China-Europe trains running and the number of standard containers of goods sent continue to grow… “The Belt and Road”, a “development belt” that benefits the world and a “happiness road” that benefits mankind, is becoming more prosperous and broader.

Cai Weicai, senior vice president of Thailand’s Kaitai Bank, said that China has made important contributions to the revitalization of the global economy. David Root, chief economist of the South African asset management organization Efficiency Group, said that China’s building an open world economy and maintaining the multilateral trading system will greatly promote the resolution of the current challenges and problems facing the global economy.

President Xi Jinping said: “If a country or a nation wants to rejuvenate, it must advance in the logic of historical progress and in the trend of the development of the times.” In today’s world, the trend of peaceful cooperation, openness and integration, reform and innovation is rolling forward. “Always support economic globalization”, “firmly implement the basic national policy of opening up”, “promote high-quality co-construction of the ‘Belt and Road'”, “further integrate into the regional and world economy, and strive to achieve mutual benefit and win-win”——China, which is open and confident, always uses its own innovation Development provides new opportunities for the world and always stands on the right side of history.

Create a future with shared destiny

At the beginning of November 2022, the Disarmament and International Security Committee of the United Nations General Assembly successively voted and passed three resolutions: “Further Practical Measures to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space”, “No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space”, and “Development in Information and Telecommunications from the Perspective of International Security” , all of which are written into the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by China. This is the sixth consecutive year that UNGA resolutions have been written into the concept of a “community with a shared future for mankind”.

At present, the century-old changes are evolving with unprecedented intensity, and the characteristics of turbulent change are more prominent. Worldwide, two scenarios are playing out at the same time: on the one hand, food and energy prices are rising, accelerating the “production” of billionaires, and resources and wealth continue to be concentrated among a few people; on the other hand, the global human development index has declined for two consecutive years, and hundreds of millions of people suffer from hunger , poverty and other existential crises. UN Secretary-General Guterres lamented: Humanity is increasingly divided.

Mankind has once again come to the crossroads of where to go, and how to choose has become a proposition that many countries are exploring.

“The problems in the world are complex, and the way to solve them is to maintain and practice multilateralism and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.” President Xi Jinping grasped the laws of history, showed confidence and courage, and pointed out the direction for the world to meet challenges together.

“The journey of the great road is also for the public.” Over the years, the connotation of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has been continuously enriched, and the practice path has become increasingly clear. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China has always adhered to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development, and is committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In September 2021, President Xi Jinping proposed a global development initiative at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, advocating that all countries adhere to development priority, adhere to people-centered, adhere to inclusiveness, innovation-driven, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Be action-oriented. This is another vivid practice of China’s promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and it has contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving development problems.

Guterres said that this initiative is at the right time, and the United Nations clearly supports it and is willing to cooperate with China on this and promote its implementation together with other countries. At present, more than 100 countries and many international organizations have supported the initiative, and nearly 70 countries have joined the “Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative”. The global forces for common development and cooperative development are constantly growing.

Faced with the complex international situation and the grim reality of intensified geopolitical conflicts, President Xi Jinping proposed a global security initiative in April 2022, proposing a Chinese solution to address international security challenges and achieve long-term peace and stability in the world. In more than half a year, more than 70 countries have expressed their appreciation and support for the Global Security Initiative. Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif said that the Global Security Initiative advocates a collaborative approach to development, which goes beyond the zero-sum thinking of maximizing one’s own security through power competition and an arms race.

“If the world is good, China will be good; if China is good, the world will be better.” The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has condensed an increasingly broad international consensus, forming the greatest common divisor for people all over the world to build a better world, showing strong vitality and appeal .

“In this era, things in other parts of the world can affect us, and our influence on the world will also transcend national borders.” When the New Year’s bell rang in 2023, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark said, “At this time, we know more Realizing that the destiny of all human beings is closely intertwined.”

“We are a community of shared future for mankind on the same planet.” Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, wrote in his book on thinking about the future of the post-pandemic era.

“Every decision we make and every action we take today will determine the future of the world.” Time after time of profound expositions, time after time of sincere appeals, the voice of President Xi Jinping at the Davos Forum travels through time and space, in order to solve the problems of human beings Contribute wisdom and strength to the common problems we face, and provide valuable certainty and stability to the chaotic world. In the new era, China will work with all progressive forces in the world to firmly uphold and practice multilateralism, move towards the right direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind, let the sun of peace and development shine on the earth, and work together to create a better future. (Participating reporters: Chen Junxia, ​​Wang Yaguang, Xie Jiang)

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