Home » today » World » Revenge: The West has been preparing for war with Russia for 30 years – 2024-10-07 12:06:43

Revenge: The West has been preparing for war with Russia for 30 years – 2024-10-07 12:06:43

/ world today news/ “Plans to expand NATO have existed since 1992. Including, by the way, Ukraine,” is a quote from a recent interview by Jeffrey Sachs.

Professor of economics, one of the “architects of shock therapy”, which both the countries of Eastern Europe and Russia experienced on their own skin. An adviser to presidents and prime ministers, Sachs today utters words for which one can pay with one’s career and reputation. Why Sachs, who cannot be suspected of a lack of intelligence and information, decided to do so is his business. But the facts he cites collide with the geopolitical developments of the past thirty years.

If we use not only the existing knowledge, but also the point of view proposed by Jeffrey Sachs, then the situation in Europe is as follows. The USSR, realizing that the days of the “red project” were numbered, negotiated an end to the Cold War without being a loser. Today, one should not exaggerate the naivety of Gorbachev and his advisors, as well as the diplomats – the people there are experienced. But they are just playing chess, and in front of them they are playing “there is here – there is no here”. And the leaders were not only and not so much the Americans (at that moment) as the leadership of the FRG. Yes, those very nice uncles Kohl and Genscher, Chancellor and Foreign Secretary. Remembering the monstrous defeat in the war, the division of the country and the historic capital of the state, Kohl and Genscher, like all post-war leaders of the FRG, experienced obsession and obsessive fear.

The obsession was to unite Germany and tear down the Berlin Wall, and the fear was that Russian tanks might get in the way.

Therefore, Kohl and Genscher, and indeed those who then wanted to become friends with them, had to get the USSR to agree to the first by any means, and then practically be forced to take the next step: the withdrawal of the Western Group of Armed Forces of The Warsaw Pact from a territory that would already become all-German. Today it is time to admit that on the one hand, talking about the “policy of mutually beneficial cooperation” and giving cheap loans for billions of German marks to Moscow, the then official Bonn methodically, slowly but very persistently took revenge for defeat in the Second World War. America, despite the fact that Washington has never had much affection for us, is generally not capable of such geopolitical tricks.

Washington acts with a club, and if that does not help, then military intervention begins – “in order to protect the national security and/or national interests of the United States”. Without the economic power of an Atlantic ally and unable to pursue their own foreign policy, the kindly grandfathers of Bonn were able, on the one hand, to use the anti-communism of Reagan and then Bush Sr. to get their way. And they achieved it.

Kohl and Genscher took revenge in Paris for the military and political defeat, for the fact that Germany was reduced to ruins and ashes, and the German nation experienced all the emotions associated with humiliation. A conference was held there in 1990 that “ended the confrontation and marked the beginning of a new stage in the construction of a modern European security system.” Ceremonial signing, more than 30 countries, general joy that the Cold War is over.

Since we now know that peace is war, what was presented as a “new era of friendship” was the first step towards confrontation. No longer between the USA and the USSR, but between Russia and NATO. The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, the denunciation bill which the Duma will begin considering in the coming days, was signed at the Paris Conference, as they say, undercover. They legally twisted the arms and legs of the USSR militarily so that not a single tank could move the caterpillar, while NATO opened its doors and at the same time began plotting how to destroy Yugoslavia. The treaty de facto abolished the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia was not part of it. But it was an ally of the USSR. Therefore, her fate was sealed.

We, who paid the ultimate price for defeating Nazism, at one point simply let our guard down. We decided that the peace won with our blood, its construction, its system, its infrastructure, secured by treaties and agreements, suits everyone, including, of course, the vanquished.

30 years ago, our trust was betrayed. For our openness and sincerity we paid with the loss of power. During these decades they tried to deceive us, and as soon as we declared that we wanted security guarantees, we were naturally accused of “aggression and revenge”.

They, those who call themselves the “civilized world”, both then and now think that we no longer belong to this world of theirs. And they want to wipe us off the map. In the case of the USSR it worked, with Yugoslavia it was possible, but for Russia they will have to break their well-kept teeth again.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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