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Revenge successful: DEG Düsseldorf defeats Krefeld Pinguine 3-0 (1-0; 1-0; 1-0) / ice hockey / sport / report-d.de

Sport ice hockey

Minus series broken: DEG Düsseldorf beats Krefeld Pinguine 3-0 in the second home game of the week. Tobias Eder celebrates after goal number one – obtained from Charlie Jahnke.

Marmot day in the ISS Dome – in contrast to Monday this Friday (February 5) but with the better end for DEG Düsseldorf. She wins 3: 0 (1: 0; 1: 0; 1: 0) against the bottom line Krefeld Pinguine. Revenge successful!


The party in the ISS Dome began dynamically. For the second time this week, DEG Düsseldorf and Krefeld Pinguine met there.

Jahnke dusts off

Mathias From had the first good chance of the game if he went it alone, but could not overcome Krefeld goalie Marvin Cüpper (2nd). But then came Krefeld, first instructed by the new trainer Clark Donatelli. After a long-range shot by Alex Trivellato, there was a crowd in front of the DEG case guarded by Mirko Pantkowski. Leon Niederberger tried in vain to follow up (5th). A little later Filips Buncis from the left face-off circle fired a concealed shot on goal (6th). It got particularly tricky when Laurin Brau got the shot in the slot undisturbed (11th). At exactly 13:13, DEG number 15 took the lead. Tobi Eder carried the disc through the neutral zone, placed it on Fischbuch, who skillfully returned the puck to Eder. He didn’t get him past Cüpper’s left schooner, but Jahnke dusted off. Short break for Düsseldorf.


Full concentration – the penguins are pushing for balance.

Düsseldorf controls

In the second third, Harold Kreis’ team increasingly gained control of the game. Fischbuch placed from the half-left position to Eugen Alanov in the middle, who tried to finish with the on-timer (22nd). Eder hit the post (24th). Düsseldorf was interrupted by a penalty against Maxi Kammerer. In the first outnumbering Krefeld, the penguins quickly made the game over Alexander Blank, Lucas Lessio tried his hand at a long club, but Nicholas B. Jensen decisively disturbed him in conjunction with Pantkowski (27th). On the offensive, Jensen shot from the blue line and Olimb had a good chance of getting into the slot (29th). The long-awaited 2-0 then turned out rather unspectacular: Marc Zanetti and Jensen made the game fast on the defensive, Karachun pulled over the left side into the attacking third and spooned the disc towards the goal. The indisposed Cüpper she slipped through the short post (36th).


In the final phase, DEG goalie Mirko Pantkowski kept the target away from the Düsseldorfer Tor.

Winning goal in the Empty Net

Final third: The Krefeld guests tried their best. However, only rarely did it result in really compelling actions. When no decision had been made until the last few minutes and Karachun had to go to the penalty box for serving, Donatelli took his time-out. Even with six players it was not enough for the guests to connect or even to turn. Five seconds before the end Alanov hit the orphaned Krefeld goal after a combination with Olimb.

For Düsseldorf it goes on Wednesday (February 10th) with an away game at the Grizzlys Wolfsburg (6.30 p.m.).

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