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Revelations of the CEO of Anep: a former CEO of the agency reacts

The CEO of the National Publishing and Advertising Agency (anep) Larbi Ounoughi returned, in an interview with El Watan and El Khabar newspapers, on ” the catastrophic and scandalous management of the agency ».

One of the former CEO of the agency, Amine Echikr wanted to provide details, in a response published this Sunday by the daily El Watan.

Regarding the revelations of Larbi Ounoughi on the daily “Reporters” held by the wife of the former CEO, the latter affirms “on my arrival at Anep, the board of directors was informed that my wife was a shareholder 25% of the publishing company of the said daily and not its owner, as suggested by Mr. Ouanoughi ”.

Amine Echikr also specifies that “contrary to what Mr. Ouanoughi suggests, I was not CEO of Anep from 2016 to 2019, but from May 2018 to April 30, 2019, ie 11 months and a few days”.

In addition, concerning the villa of El Biar, rented at 30 million centimes per month without it being used, he indicates that it “was the headquarters of the general management of the Anep express messaging subsidiary. The company having acquired a seat in Ouled Fayet, I terminated the rental contract ”.

Editorial staff of Algeria360

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