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Revelations of He Jiong’s Nanny’s Involvement in His Father’s Company and Shareholdings

Report that He Jiong’s nanny once worked in Jiong’s father’s company Report that He Jiong’s nanny once held shares in Jiong’s father’s company

According to entertainment media reports, recently, some netizens posted an article claiming that He Jiong was in arrears with nanny Su Yu’s wages, and posted a court judgment. However, some fans of He Jiong said that He Jiong signed a labor contract with her through He Jiong’s father’s company in order to pay social security for the nanny.

The Tianyancha App shows that Su Yu did work and hold shares in Hunan Jiongbaba Cultural Media Co., Ltd. and Hunan Hezhizi Information Technology Co., Ltd., which are related to He Jiong’s father. The change record shows that in December 2020, the legal representatives and executive directors of the above two companies were changed from He Wei (He Jiong’s father) to Su Yu, and Su Yu was added as a shareholder, holding 5% of the shares respectively; in April 2021 , Su Yu resigned as the legal representative and executive director of the two companies, and at the same time withdrew from the ranks of shareholders. At present, Su Yu has no connection with the two companies.

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