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Reveals major problems for Ukrainians after the war

After the end of the Russia-Ukraine war, which has been going on for 9 years, the Ukrainians are facing economic and demographic challenges in the first place. This was stated by Yevgeny Holovak, director of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

“These are economic and demographic problems. The second is the decline in the population, especially men. Another serious problem is the people who have left Ukraine,” he said.

Rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed by Russian troops will also be important. “If the West supports us, then by restoring the infrastructure, we will be able to modernize it. After all, before the war, Ukraine lived in the remnants of Soviet infrastructure, and it will drag the country down. However, it will all depend on what we will restore first: infrastructure or corruption. “And it must be monitored by public organizations. If now all their attention is focused on the war, then later we must focus on ensuring that we do not rebuild corruption. This will determine whether we can build a new Ukraine,” said the sociologist.

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