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Reveals gender and term

There is no doubt that the “Farm Celebrity” host Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen and fiancé Stian Lauritzen have a lot to hang your fingers in during the day. This summer, they were able to reveal that they was to sell their terraced house in Voksenkollen, and that they now set their sights on Sørlandet and Grimstad.

<img itemprop="image" data-defer="view" title="ENGAGED: Stian Lauritzen and Tiril Sjåstad Christensen have been a couple for several years, and are scheduled to get married in the long run. Now they too will soon become parents. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Hear” alt=”ENGAGED: Stian Lauritzen and Tiril Sjåstad Christensen have been a couple for several years, and are scheduled to get married in the long run. Now they too will soon become parents. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Hear “class =” “srcset =” https://dbstatic.no/72865696.jpg?imageId=72865696&x=0&y=0.58765915768854&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=96.278158667973&width=496com https://dbstatic.no/72865696.jpg?imageId=72865696&x=0&y=0.58765915768854&cropw=99.854862119013&croph=96.278158667973&width=666&height=952&compression=80 1024w, https: //d96.jpg 0 & y = 0.58765915768854 & cropw = 99.854862119013 & croph = 96.278158667973 & width = 689 & height = 985 & compression = 80 1240w “src =” https://dbstatic.no/72865696.jpg?imageId=72865696&x=0&y=8685 985″/>
ENGAGED: Stian Lauritzen and Tiril Sjåstad Christensen have been a couple for several years, and are scheduled to get married in the long run. Now they too will soon become parents. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and Hear
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The home purchase and sale came just a short time after the couple in May revealed that they will become parents for the first time. When See and Hear met the host of this year’s award ceremony of Gullruten she could tell that they had no idea what gender the upcoming baby was.

The ultrasounds had not been clear enough. Now, several months later, however, she can reveal that the couple has received a final answer.

EXCITING: Farmen celebrity host Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen comments on the new host colleague Mads Hansen in the sister program Farmen. Video: Steffen Pettersen / Red Carpet
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Brilliant shape

I podcast «Free Move»She talks openly about the pregnancy, and can among other things reveal that it is a little girl she and Lauritzen will have this autumn. She also reveals the date for when the little one will announce his arrival, namely 19 November.

If she comes to term, it will be a small scorpion the couple gets. In the podcast, the host openly shares how her time as a pregnant woman has been.

<a rel="nofollow" aria-label="- Graviditeten har gått
as a dream “href =” https://www.seher.no/kjendis/graviditeten-har-gatt-som-en-drom/72857421 “>

– The pregnancy has passed
like a dream

– The shape is brilliant, and I mean it. I was very excited about how this was going to turn out. I often feel there is a focus on the negative, so I wondered if it would be heavy, she says, and continues:

– I had some negative thoughts, but it has been the most amazing. I have never felt better and have a lot of energy. I love to strut my stomach, she smiles.

Throughout her pregnancy, she has shared several pictures of the growing belly on social media, often with humor as a tool. At the end of August, she wrote, among other things, that she “aired the bullet in the new neighborhood”, in a post that she and her fiancé showed.

In the podcast, she says that she thinks the coming weeks will go fast.

– There are only eight weeks left, and I notice that it is a couple of kilos that “pull” me down, she smiles.

See and Hear has been in contact with Tiril Sjåstad Christensen, who says they are looking forward to becoming parents.

PREGNANT: Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen tells Se og Hør that her body feels like an indoor sauna. Video: Julie Easter Christiansen / Red Carpet
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New wedding date

The boyfriend and girlfriend are also, as mentioned, on the move. About the home purchase that took place recently, the host said the following to See and Hear during the Gullruten award ceremony:

– I think Stian and I are the most spontaneous people I know. We thought we would look at houses for fun. We were looking at one, fell a little for it and two weeks later we bought it.

As if housing and children are not enough, the couple should also have gotten married this summer. Of course, because of the coronavirus, it did not happen that way, especially since they should have been declared straight married in Italy.

However, the TV profile has revealed that they have found a solution.

– I was tired of everything that had to do with weddings and planning, so Stian has been really good there and taken hold.

THE WINNER: Tiril Sjåstad Christiansen beat Kathrine Sørland at the finish line in “Farmen Kjendis” 2019. Here she cheers right after the victory. Video: Miriam Bakkejord
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The wedding, which was actually to take place in Italy, will now take place at Finse in Western Norway.

– I have no idea how we landed on it. It was a bit of a reversal, we were just tired of Italy and everything that happened there, so we thought we should do something completely different, she concluded.

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