A book has just been published, which collects documents that tell about the last stage of the Latvian War of Independence – the battles with Soviet Russia and the liberation of Latgale. The compiler of the collection, professor of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia Āriks Jēkabsons, by carefully selecting archive documents, shows not only the practical side of the war – battle orders and peace agreements – but also very interesting details that characterize the everyday life of the War of Independence. The documents show that there are many more facets and milestones in the testimonies of the struggle for Latvia’s freedom, which are unknown to the general public.
With the collection of documents “Fight for freedom: Latvian War of Independence (1918–1920) in the documents of the State History Archive of Latvia. Part 4: The beginning of December 1919 – the autumn of 1920” concluded the five-year long work in the National Archives of Latvia, where historians Jānis Šiliņš and Āriks Jēkabsons studied, selected and commented on the materials about the War of Independence, connecting it with Latvia’s centenary and the need to update and commemorate this defining moment in our earth’s history.
2023-07-11 21:08:48
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