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Revealed! This is the reason Raiden Sudjono sues for divorce from Tyas Mirasih


Tyas Mirasih is being sued for divorce from her husband, Raiden Soedjono. The reason for the lawsuit was later revealed in the divorce documents.

Taslimah, Public Relations of the South Jakarta Religious Court, said that Raiden Soedjono did mention his reasons for filing for divorce from Tyas Mirasih. One of them is a problem that occurs in their household.

“For the case submitted, of course there is a reason, there must be a reason because no case is submitted without a reason,” said Taslimah when met at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday (4/8/2021).

“The reasons include the identity of the parties, both the plaintiff and the defendant. Then the reason is because there has been a marriage between the two parties. During the period of their marriage there have been events that have occurred so that there are assets resulting from their marriage. That is the reason,” he explained. .

For the details, Taslimah could not explain in detail. Because it is already included in the material of the lawsuit that cannot be disclosed to the public.

“To be specific, we cannot provide an explanation because it was still in the registration process yesterday,” added Taslimah.

The inaugural trial of Tyas Mirasih and Raiden Soedjono will be held on Monday, August 16, 2021. The meeting is scheduled for mediation from both parties.

In his divorce suit, as explained by Taslimah, Raiden Soedjono seems to be fighting for Gono Gini’s property. These assets are joint assets in the form of movable objects.

Raiden Soedjono’s divorce suit against Tyas Mirasih went to the South Jakarta Religious Court. When confirmed, the news was confirmed by Taslimah, Public Relations of the South Jakarta Religious Court.

“For the case of Mirasih Tyas Endah Binti Sirman Widiatmo, a divorce has been filed. So the one who filed is Raden Muhamad Soedjono Bin Hasan M Soedjono as the applicant, because the type of case is the type of divorce,” said Taslimah when met at her office, Wednesday (4/8/ 2021).

The lawsuit came in with item number 2663/PDT.G/2021/PA.JS. That is with the type of divorce case.

Raiden Soedjono registered the divorce suit on August 3, 2021 through ecourt.

“As the applicant, in this case, he gave power of attorney to Dave Advitama SH, MH, CLA, Bernard Jungjungan, SH, MH, Pantas Manalu, SH, as legal counsel for Mirasih Tyas’ husband Endah Binti Sirman Widiatmo,” said Taslimah.

As is known, Tyas Mirasih married Raiden Soedjono on July 8, 2017. Four years together, the two have now chosen to separate.


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