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Revealed! 17 minutes before he died at Ferdy Sambo’s house, Brigadier J had said this to his lover, Vera Simanjuntak…

Jakarta – Vera Simanjuntak the figure of a woman who is a lover Brigadier J became the public spotlight after the shootout incident between Brigadier Joshua or Brigadier J with Bharada E at the official house of the inactive Propam Head of Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on Friday (8/7/2022).

On Sunday (7/24/2022), Vera with 2 of her lawyers Ferdi and Ramos Hutabarat came to Jambi Police Headquarters to fulfill a summons for an investigation into the incident that befell his girlfriend, Brigadier J.

17 Minutes Before Being Shot At Ferdy Sambo’s House, Brigadier J Had Said This To His Beloved Vera Simanjuntak

Ferdi as Vera Simanjuntak’s attorney said that on the day of the incident that killed Brigadier J, the victim had time to communicate with Vera Simanjuntak on Friday (8/7/2022) at 16:43 WIB.

Then, at 17.00 WIB Brigadier J was reported dead shot. According to him, the communication was carried out without any sign of irregularity.

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