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Revaldo has no regrets about getting caught in drugs for the third time


Actor Revaldo Back to dealing with the police because of drug cases. Twice in jail doesn’t make it Revaldo stop taking drugs.

On Wednesday (11/1), Revaldo was arrested again at an apartment in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta. This man whose full name is Revaldo Fifaldi Suria Permana was arrested for the third time.

After being arrested at the Cempaka Putih apartment, Central Jakarta, the police then searched the apartment owned by him Revaldo in the Pakubuwono area, South Jakarta. There, the police found a number of drug evidence from methamphetamine to marijuana.

Traces of the Revaldo Drug Case

In 2006, Revaldo was arrested in relation to methamphetamine. Revaldo at that time he was sentenced to 2 years and a fine of Rp. 1 million, a subsidiary of 1 month in prison.

Revaldo wearing a jacket arrived at Polda Metro Jaya after developing a drug case (Photo: Special Doc)

It didn’t stop there, Revaldo was arrested again for a methamphetamine case in July 2010 with evidence of 62 grams of methamphetamine and a packet of dry marijuana.

The case made Revaldo dragged to court. He was then sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Arrested After Nyabu in the Apartment

For the third time, Revaldo was arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya Police Directorate of Narcotics at an apartment in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta. Revaldo was arrested after consuming methamphetamine with his friends.

“(Arrested) after using,” said Director of Narcotics Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Mukti Juharsa, when contacted detikcomThursday (12/1/2023).

Read on the next page: urine test results….

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