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Reunion of four: Prince William, Princess Kate, Prince Harry and Meghan appear in public in Windsor

The Welsh and Sussex spouses, despite the fact that the last two years have not been very good relations between them, met at Windsor Castle.

Prince William and Princess Catherine appeared in Windsor along with Prince Harry and Meghan. This is their first time together, as the last time the two couples were seen together in public was after Commonwealth Day on March 9, 2020. It seems that common grief brought these four together and they forgot about the controversy and of past insults.

The audience did not expect to see them together at all, but the British were very happy with it and met the four royals with loud applause.

Harry and Meghan walked hand in hand.

The Welsh and Sussex couple walked along the gates of Windsor Castle. They examined the flowers and notes that the British brought in honor of Queen Elizabeth II.

The four also approached the people who expressed their condolences and gave them flowers.

Princess Kate and Meghan appeared in black dresses and matching tights. This is the first time that the Duchess of Sussex has not violated the protocol and has put on pantyhose, because she previously appeared in public bare-legged.

The four royals chatted with the audience at the castle, and then boarded a Range Rover together: Kate and William in front, Megan and Harry in the back.

Recall that Queen Elizabeth II, 96, died on 8 September at Balmoral Castle. You have ruled Great Britain for 70 years. Her reign encompassed 15 prime ministers.

State funeral of the queen Elizabeth II will be held at Westminster Abbey on Monday, September 19 at 11am ET. Prior to this, the Queen will be at Westminster Hall for four days to give the public the opportunity to pay tribute.

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