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Return of the rains in the South, then good weather by the North!

National bulletin – Weather situation and general evolution – Updated on Wed 05/05 – 08h38

Return of the rains in the South, then good weather by the North!

+ The British high pressure temporarily protects France and the situation will already change in the coming hours.
+ As of Wednesday, these high pressures will retract to the north and the dry, sunny but cool weather zone will only concern the regions north of the Loire.
+ In the south, the wetter influence from the Mediterranean will take over and the sometimes heavy rains will multiply, especially in the mountains.
+ This sometimes stormy instability will regress south between Thursday and Sunday, to the benefit of the British high pressure which will pick up the fur of the beast and protect the 2/3 North of France with increasingly pleasant weather.

** Extremes in France (plain) over the past 24 hours:

Minimum temperature: -2 ° C in Hestrud (59)
Max T ° C: 27 ° C in Calvi (2B)
Maximum cumulative rain in the last 24 hours: 42 mm in Rodez (12)

European analysis of Wednesday, May 13, 2020 (Finnish weather)

Names of depressions and highs scheduled for Thursday, May 14, 2020 at noon (Berlin)

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