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return in favor of Yoweri Museveni? – Young Africa

Yoweri Museveni still doesn’t have the longevity of Paul Biya or Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. But, in power for 37 years, he still had six presidents Americans. In mid-December you will travel to Washington and participate in the dinner hosted on the occasion of the United States-Africa summit. The Ugandan leader will meet Joe Biden, but it’s too soon to tell if the two men will meet face-to-face.

>> Read on The Africa Report – Uganda: Museveni will make first visit to Washington in five years

The last Yoweri Museveni’s visit to the White House dates back to August 2014, on the occasion of a summit organized by Barack Obama at the time. The two met in 2015 in Ethiopia, together with other heads of state, to discuss the war in South Sudan between President Salva Kiir and his former number two, Riek Machar.

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