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Retired people, how to avoid paying stamp duty on their checking account

Good news for retirees who can benefit from a particular type of account to avoid losing money. Here’s what it is.

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The pension it turns out to be, without a shadow of a doubt, an important milestone in one’s life. After so many years spent struggling with various work commitments and deadlines to be met, in fact, it is finally possible to dedicate oneself to one’s passions, with loved ones. At the same time, even once the right to retirement has been obtained, we must not let our guard down. In fact, things do not always go as desired and in some cases you may find yourself having to deal with some unpleasant surprises.

Many retirees know this well, and they meet every year a losing money on your checking account because of a tax, which inevitably ends up reducing the savings of the stakeholders. But what would you think if we told you that many retirees could avoid it? Well yes, that’s right. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it and above all how to do it.

Retirees, keep an eye on your current account: how to avoid paying stamp duty

There are many retirees who decide to have their pension credited directly to their current account. The latter, on the other hand, turns out to be a safe place where you can keep your money and at the same time thanks to which to make and receive payments. However, we must never underestimate the costs, which inevitably erode our savings.

We are not just talking about the commissions to be paid, for example, when we make a transfer. In fact, there is also a tax that, it is good to know, many retirees could avoid. This is thestamp duty. The latter, equal to 34.20 euros per year, is paid by all those who present one average stock equal to or greater than 5 thousand euros.

Well, it should be known that pensioners, thanks to a guarantee formula, could in some cases be exempt from paying this tax. According to the provisions of current legislation, in fact, pensioners who receive a maximum gross pension of 18 thousand euros per year, have the right to access the basic account.

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In practice, it is a current account that involves very low charges in the face of some limitations on operations. Precisely this type of basic account, as guaranteed by the state, is exempt from the payment of stamp duty. To this end, it is good to remember that all credit institutions are required to insure this type of account, thus managing to meet the needs of retirees, who can thus avoid losing money.

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