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Retired Military Officer from Colombia Pleads Guilty to Planning the Murder of President of Haiti Jovenel Moise


A retired military officer Colombia pleaded guilty to aiding in planning and carrying out the murders President of Haiti Jovenel Moise at his home in July 2021.

German Rivera, also known as Colonel Mike, pleaded guilty to three counts, which could land him in prison in the United States for the rest of his life. That’s according to files filed in federal court in Florida, the news agency quoted AFPFriday (8/9/2023).

Jovenel, 53 years old, was shot dead on 7 July 2021 at his private residence near Port-au-Prince, the capital Haiti, by a hired group of about 20 military-trained Colombians. His bodyguards did not intervene at that time.

Rivera, along with several others, have been charged under US law because the plot to kill was partly organized in Florida, USA.

In February, US Attorney Markenzy Lapointe said that underlying the attack on Jovenel was a lust for money and power.

Lapointe said that two managers of Miami security firm CTU devised a plan to kidnap Moise and replace him with Christian Sanon, a Haitian-American who wants to become president of the Caribbean nation.

In exchange for ousting Moise, they were promised lucrative contracts to build infrastructure and provide security forces and military equipment in a future government led by Sanon, who was also indicted in the United States.

The plot was originally aimed at kidnapping president of Haiti the crime, but later developed into murder, according to court papers.

See also ‘When Floods in Haiti Leave 42 People Dead-11 Missing’:


2023-09-08 05:24:28
#Assassination #President #Haiti #Colombian #Military #Officer #Confesses #Guilty

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