The president of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Blanca Odilia Alfaro, warned the municipal council of San Andrés Villa Seca, Retalhuleu, to annul the agreement in which they left out the possibility of Sofía Marisol Mancio González assuming office as mayor. However, the municipal corporation responded with a memorial that they persist in refusing to give her possession of it.
“No councilor, no trustee has the legal powers to ignore another councilor. Therefore, we ask you to reconsider it so that administratively we can record how the takeover of the municipality of San Andrés Villaseca had begun in complete peace.”Alfaro admonished the corporation a day ago.
At the first council session held on January 15, Mancio arrived to take office as mayor. However, the members of the corporation decided that the person who should assume the position was the second councilor, Domingo Morán.
“If they do not reconsider that agreement, they have committed criminal offenses and we will have to take action before the Public Ministry and also the mayor.”Alfaro warned through the institution’s social networks.
The council must vacate the vacancy of Mayor Marco Tulio de León who died before being able to take office. Then the TSE will recognize Mancio’s right to hold office as mayor “not elected, but by designation due to the death of the elected mayor,” Alfaro clarified.
The president of the TSE commented that in addition to committing a possible crime of psychological violence, the municipal corporation exhibits its ignorance of administrative processes.
In response, they sent a memorial on Friday, January 19, in which they disavowed Mancio. The president of the TSE requested the immediate incorporation of the mayor. “The only one who can sign as acting mayor is her” he sentenced. He reiterated that Mancio must take legal action.

The takeover in San Andrés Villa Seca that was not
“It is unfortunate that today many men do not accept the improvement of a woman. “Many men do not accept the need for changes in the towns and that a woman can also govern,” Mancio said. The statements were given on the night of Tuesday, January 16 in front of the mayor’s office.
“Men should get rid of their machismo, without offending anyone,” he added. He recalled that that day De León Solares, the deceased mayor, would have turned 69 years old.
Between cries of “yes it was possible” Mancio gave her speech in the middle of a legal battle for being in front of a commune that owes its workers three and a half months of salary and with a precarious economic situation, as she recognized. [Por Ana Valdez. Vía Ojoconmipisto]