François Joppin, the communicating voice of Biogroup, preaches for his parish. Supporting figures, he ensures that the group’s laboratories respect the 48-hour deadline recommended by the government in terms of screening for Covid-19. Quite easily, even …
“An appointment within 24 hours. The results the next day. “While the controversy swells over the extended deadlines for Covid-19 screening tests, François Joppin is advancing. And wants to be definitive. Biogroup (800 labs nationwide), the French leader in medical biology for which it provides communication, would have no trouble absorbing demand.
As proof, the results of “week 37” of screening provided by the group’s laboratories, which has two in Thionville and three in Yutz: “We performed 251,000 screenings out of the million carried out in France for a positivity rate of. 5.5%. In our laboratories, in Lorraine, we can make an appointment overnight. “And this without necessarily belonging to the population prioritized by the Ministry of Health: people presenting symptoms compatible with Covid-19, contact subjects, health professionals intervening at home” and finally exceptions, preoperative. “
Material resources
“It’s no secret: we are maintaining this objective due to the massive investments made in recent months. Tens of millions of euros to acquire medical equipment. Essentially RT-PCR machines and reagents. Biogroup has also learned the lessons of the past by increasing the number of suppliers: “We are not dependent on anyone”.
The stocks would be substantial, “we even overstocked certain equipment if ever …” If ever the famous second wave were to break. In order to face winter in good conditions, the company will equip its screening sites with modular, chalet-type structures. The objective is to dissociate the patient population suspected of carrying the virus from the classic patient population.
Biogroup therefore presents itself as a zealous student, unlike certain competitors, according to the professor: “If the deadlines are not respected, it is because other laboratories do not have the capacity. For example, they subcontract part of the processing of samples, which extends the return of results. It is unfortunate, but it is so. “
Human resources
Swabs and men. To embrace the national strategy of massive screening driven by the health authorities, it was still necessary to relax the recruitment rules: “It is now done. We have extended our teams to BTS and other masters. Our workforce today seems sufficiently large. Which was not the case at the start of the pandemic. ”