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Results of the Municipal Elections in Bormujos 2023: Ranking, Candidates, and Voter Turnout

Almost 17,000 people were summoned this May 28 to vote for the 21 councilors who will represent them in the Bormujos City Council. Eight formations appeared in a town so divided that in the last four years there has been a coalition government between the PSOE and Ciudadanos.

The results in Bormujos have been the following:

PP 3,610 votes (36.99%) 9 councilors

PSOE-A 3,011 votes (30.85%) 8 councilors

VOX 904 votes (9.26%) 2 councilors

CS 603 votes (6.18%) 1 councilor

BXD 577 votes (5.91%) 1 councilor

WITH ANDALUSIA 483 votes (4.95%) –

PUM+J 238 votes (2.43%) –

B+ 176 votes (1.8%) –

On the socialist side, Francisco Miguel Molina was running for re-election at a delicate personal moment, since both he and his number 4, Carmen Garfia (current delegate of Public Works), are being tried for alleged irregularities in some contracts to enable as a warehouse of material the backyard of a municipal warehouse.

In Ciudadanos, the candidate was Manuel Romero, current first deputy mayor and delegate for Urbanism and Conscious Citizenship. In the PP, his headliner is Lola Romero. With Andalucía Podemos, which four years ago obtained two councilors, he tried to improve that balance with Ezequiel García at the helm. Vox (also with two councilors in 2019) appeared with Isabel Madera at the helm.

The three local alternatives remain. Encarnación Macías headed the Bormujos Suma (B+) proposal, Jordi García was the candidate of Por Un Mundo Más Justo (PUM+J) and Manuel de los Reyes Acevedo led the Bormujos por Derecho (BxD) candidacy.

Result of the municipal elections in Bormujos in 2019

In 2019, Molina was re-elected after elections that confirmed the fragmentation of the vote in the town of Aljara. The PSOE did not obtain an absolute majority, but it secured the mayoralty thanks to the lack of understanding between the PP and Vox, which in its first year at the polls in this town obtained two councilors. If they had added them to the five of the popular and the five of Citizens, the sign of the City Council would have been different.

The PSOE list garnered 3,001 ballots (33.09% of the valid votes) and seven councilors. The PP was left with 2,080 votes (22.94%), which obtained as many councillors, five, as Cs (1,907 votes for Manuel Romero, 21.03%).

A little further away appeared Adelante Bormujos, which obtained 1,067 votes (11.77%), and Vox, with 780 (8.6%). The only group that was left without representation was Contigo Somos Democracia (134 votes, 1.48%). Participatory Democracy/Participate Bormujos, who had been key for Molina to be elected mayor in 2015, did not present himself as such in 2019.

Results of the municipal elections in the towns of Seville 2023

#wins #Bormujos #adding #councilor #PSOE

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