Czech Athletes Compete in World Athletics Championships
The Czech Republic is being represented by three javelin throwers in the World Athletics Championships, competing against 33 other athletes. The automatic qualifying distance for the finals is set at 61.50 meters, a distance that only Ogrodníková has achieved in the past. However, it remains to be seen what performances will be enough to secure a spot in the finals.
The most experienced Czech athlete is Ogrodníková, who is participating in her fourth championship and also competed in the Olympics two years ago. She finished in 8th place in Eugene last year. Gillarová also competed in Tokyo five years ago, but this is her first championship in four years. Tabačková is making her debut in the World Championships.
Juška has shown solid form throughout the year and has reached the eight-meter mark multiple times. His season’s best is 815 cm, which is also the qualifying distance for direct entry into the finals.
The Czech long jumper is participating in the World Championships for the fourth time. He failed to qualify in Eugene last year, but has reached the finals in previous championships.
Macík made a significant impression at the Czech Republic Championships in late July, where he broke the national record in the 200 meters. How he will perform at the same distance in Budapest remains to be seen. The young sprinter is participating in his first world championship and will be aiming to qualify for the semifinals in the second heat.
In the evening program, the only Czech representative, pole vaulter Amálie Švábíková, will compete in her first final at the world championships. In the qualifying round on Monday, she maintained her concentration despite the long breaks between jumps and cleared the 465 cm mark on her second attempt. Not only did she secure a spot in the coveted final, but she also improved her outdoor personal record by one centimeter. “I will have fewer nerves now than when I went into the qualifiers. Being the twelfth best in the world is a wonderful achievement. But I certainly won’t give up and will fight for the top positions,” she revealed.
The evening program will also feature the men’s 1500 meters race at 21:15. One of the top favorites is 22-year-old Norwegian Jakob Ingebrigtsen, who won silver at the last world championships.
The women’s 400 meters final will also be a highlight, taking place five minutes past half-past nine. Marileidy Paulino from the Dominican Republic is a strong contender for the victory, with Polish athlete Natalia Kaczmarek expected to challenge her. Lada Vondrová and Tereza Petržilková ended their championship campaign in the semifinals.
Other events to watch out for include the men’s 400-meter hurdles, the qualification round for hammer throwers, and triple jumpers. The entire evening program will be covered in a detailed online report.
The World Athletics Championships continue with the Wednesday program, featuring the following events in the morning block: 10:05 - Women’s 800 meters – heats, and 10:15 – Men’s pole vault – qualification.Jak si povedou tři české oštěpařky v konkurenci dalších třiatřiceti atletek? Automatický limit pro postup do finále je stanoven na 61,50 metru, což je vzdálenost, kterou v minulosti pokořila pouze Ogrodníková. Až samotná kvalifikace však ukáže, jaké výkony budou k postupu stačit.
Dopolední blok sledujeme v podrobné reportáži. Nejzkušenější Češkou je Ogrodníková, která startuje na svém čtvrtém mistrovství a před dvěma lety házela také na olympijských hrách. Loni v Eugene obsadila konečné 8. místo. Také Gillarová startovala v Tokiu pod pěti kruhy, na šampionát se však vrací po čtyřech letech. Tabačková má na mistrovství světa premiéru.
Juška prokázal během roku solidní formu a v létě několikrát dosáhl na osmimetrovou hranici. Své sezonní maximum má letos 815 cm, což je také stanovená hranice pro přímý postup do finále.
Český dálkař startuje na mistrovství světa počtvrté. Loni v Eugene se jeho konečnou stala kvalifikace, na šampionátech dříve se však do finále dostal.
Macík na sebe výrazně upozornil koncem července na mistrovství České republiky, kde pokořil národní rekord na dvoustovce. Jak se mu bude dařit na stejné vzdálenosti nyní v Budapešti? Mladý sprinter startuje na svém prvním světovém šampionátu, o postup do semifinále bude usilovat ve druhém rozběhu.
Večerní program svou účastí obohatí jediná česká zástupkyně, první finále na světovém šampionátu okusí tyčkařka Amálie Švábíková. V pondělní kvalifikaci, která se vinou dlouhých přestávek mezi skoky trváním přehoupla přes dlouhé dvě hodiny, neztratila 23letá atletka koncentraci a napodruhé zdolala limit 465 centimetrů.
Nejenže díky němu postoupila do vysněného finále, ale rovněž si vylepšila venkovní osobní rekord, který do té doby čítal o centimetr méně. „Budu mít teď menší nervy, než když jsem šla do kvalifikace. Být nejhůř dvanáctá na světě je nádherný výkon. Ale určitě nic nevzdávám a budu bojovat o nejvyšší příčky,“ prozradila.
O ně se bude prát společně s ostatními od 19:30. Další medailovou disciplínou bude ve 21:15 běh mužů na 1500 metrů. Mezi velké favority patří dvaadvacetiletý Nor Jakob Ingebrigtsen, jenž na loňském mistrovství světa bral stříbro.
Zraky diváků se budou rovněž upínat na finále ženské čtyřstovky, jež vyvrcholí pět minut po půl desáté. Kandidátkou na vítězství bude Marileidy Paulinová z Dominikánské republiky, stíhat by ji měla Polka Natalia Kaczmareková. Lada Vondrová i Tereza Petržilková skončily své působení na šampionátu v semifinále.
Cenné kovy si rozdělí také překážkáři na 400 metrů, do kvalifikace vstoupí kladivářky či trojskokanky. Celý večerní program
Which athlete broke the national record in the 200 meters at the Czech Republic Championships in late July
The Czech Republic is sending three javelin throwers to compete in the World Athletics Championships, where they will be up against 33 other athletes. The qualifying distance for the finals is set at 61.50 meters, a distance that only one of the Czech athletes, Ogrodníková, has achieved in the past. However, it remains to be seen what performances will be enough to secure a spot in the finals.
The most experienced Czech athlete is Ogrodníková, who is participating in her fourth championship and also competed in the Olympics two years ago. She finished in 8th place in Eugene last year. Gillarová also competed in Tokyo five years ago, but this is her first championship in four years. Tabačková is making her debut in the World Championships.
Juška has shown solid form throughout the year and has reached the eight-meter mark multiple times. His season’s best is 815 cm, which is also the qualifying distance for direct entry into the finals.
The Czech long jumper is participating in the World Championships for the fourth time. He failed to qualify in Eugene last year but has reached the finals in previous championships.
Macík made a significant impression at the Czech Republic Championships in late July, where he broke the national record in the 200 meters. How he will perform at the same distance in Budapest remains to be seen. The young sprinter is participating in his first world championship and will be aiming to qualify for the semifinals in the second heat.
In the evening program, the only Czech representative, pole vaulter Amálie Švábíková, will compete in her first final at the world championships. In the qualifying round on Monday, she maintained her concentration despite the long breaks between jumps and cleared the 465 cm mark on her second attempt. Not only did she secure a spot in the coveted final, but she also improved her outdoor personal record by one centimeter. “I will have fewer nerves now than when I went into the qualifiers. Being the twelfth best in the world is a wonderful achievement. But I certainly won’t give up and will fight for the top positions,” she revealed.
The evening program will also feature the men’s 1500 meters race at 21:15. One of the top favorites is 22-year-old Norwegian Jakob Ingebrigtsen, who won silver at the last world championships.
The women’s 400 meters final will also be a highlight, taking place five minutes past half-past nine. Marileidy Paulino from the Dominican Republic is a strong contender for the victory, with Polish athlete Natalia Kaczmarek expected to challenge her. Lada Vondrová and Tereza Petržilková ended their championship campaign in the semifinals.
Other events to watch out for include the men’s 400-meter hurdles, the qualification round for hammer throwers, and triple jumpers. The entire evening program will be covered in a detailed online report.
The World Athletics Championships continue with the Wednesday program, featuring the following events in the morning block: 10:05 - Women’s 800 meters – heats, and 10:15 – Men’s pole vault – qualification.