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Results 1.07: land market and the law on oligarchs

Photo: minfin.com.ua

33 land sale transactions were registered in half a day

The land market has started working in Ukraine, and the people’s deputies adopted the law on oligarchs in the first reading. Korrespondent.net highlights the main events of yesterday.

The law on oligarchs passed in the first reading

The document was supported by 275 people’s deputies. All oligarchs will be included in the public register… In case of falling into it, citizens are prohibited from: making contributions to parties, being a beneficiary or a media controller, buying objects of large-scale privatization.

Land market has started working in Ukraine

In Ukraine from July 1 a market for the sale of agricultural land has been launched… From that day on, the moratorium in force since the country’s independence has expired. The Ministry of Justice said that Ukrainians started selling land… In the first half of the day after the moratorium was lifted, the Ministry of Justice registered 33 land sale transactions. And the Ministry of Agrarian Policy predicted that after the opening of the market, the price of land will be about 2 thousand dollars per hectare, but it may grow several times.

Ukraine intends to increase taxes

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a bill in the first reading with 264 votes. plan to raise taxes and rent rates… Among other things, it is proposed to introduce a minimum tax on 1 hectare of commercial agricultural land in the amount of 4.5% of the value of the land.

Rada approved the law on indigenous peoples

Crimean Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks were recognized as indigenous peoples in Ukraine… The law prohibits denying their ethnicity or ethnic identity.

EU countries begin to allow entry of the Covishield vaccine

Seven EU countries, according to media reports, Covishield coronavirus vaccine approved for arriving travelers. Travelers who received two doses of Covishield are said to be eligible to travel to Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Ireland and Spain. Separately, Estonia has confirmed that it recognizes all vaccines permitted by India.

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