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Results 01.01: Aid from the USA and the Terrorist Defense Act

Facebook: Facebook / Oksana Markarova

Ukraine will receive additional assistance from the US – Ambassador

Ukraine will receive additional assistance this year, the details of which are too early to reveal; A law on the foundations of national resistance has been enacted in Ukraine. Korrespondent.net highlights the main events of yesterday.

Ukraine will receive additional assistance from the United States

In 2022, in addition to the already planned $ 300 million, Ukraine will receive from the USA additional help… This was stated by the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Oksana Markarova. According to her, another part of the interaction between the United States and Ukraine is the intensification in the field of military-technical cooperation.

The Law on the Foundations of National Resistance entered into force

In Ukraine since January 1 entered into force Law On the foundations of national resistance, adopted by the Rada and signed by President Zelensky in the summer of 2021. The law regulates the development of territorial defense in Ukraine, the organization of national resistance and the appropriate training of citizens.

The cost of living has increased in Ukraine since the beginning of the year

Living wage for one person per month from January 1 will be UAH 2,393, from July 1 – UAH 2,508, from December 1 – UAH 2,589. From January 1, the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons will be UAH 2,481, from July 1 – UAH 2,600, from December 1 – UAH 2,684.

Ukraine has banned access to rivers for aggressor states

In Ukraine, from January 1, entered into force Law on Inland Water Transport, which prohibits access to inland waters for ships of aggressor countries. The law defines the legal, economic and organizational principles for the functioning of inland waterway transport and is aimed at creating favorable conditions for its development, meeting the needs of citizens in affordable, high-quality and safe transportation.

Ukraine entered the “yellow” quarantine zone

In Ukraine from January 1 in all regions yellow level is set epidemic danger. The incidence rate is 179 cases per 100 thousand population. The highest incidence rate was registered in Kiev – 426 cases per 100 thousand population.

Amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications entered into force

In Ukraine now SIM cards should be registered with reference to passport data. On January 1, 2022, amendments to the law on electronic communications came into force. According to the document, the end user is obliged to identify himself with the provider of electronic communication services in the manner prescribed by the rules for the provision and receipt of electronic communication services.

France begins presidency of the EU Council

The Council of the European Union of France has its own the chairmanship was started by France, which will run from January 1 to June 30, 2022. France’s priorities will be economic recovery and support for environmental and digital transformation, protection and promotion of values ​​and interests, and a “sense of belonging” in developing a common European vision.

UK warmest record

In Somerset, UK, on ​​New Years Eve, forecasters recorded warmest temperature air in the entire history of weather observations. At Coningsby in Lincolnshire, plus 15.3 degrees was recorded. At Merrifield in Somerset, plus 15.8 degrees was recorded.

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