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Result of the legislative in Dijon: 2nd round live

17:34 – A promising first result for the left block in Dijon

With a score of 33.57% of the vote in the 1st round in Dijon, the bloc of the Insoumis and the allies of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left had reached a high level before this 2nd round of the 2022 legislative elections. But this Sunday as there at 7 days the entire ballot is spread over the constituency. But this score is however to be assessed with regard to the votes of LFI, PS, EELV and PCF during the presidential election. However in the town, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo and Fabien Roussel were respectively at 27.07%, 6.4%, 2.16% and 1.92% on April 10. It is therefore 37.55% of voters in reality that the left bloc could target for these legislative elections in Dijon.

3:30 p.m. – The candidates New Popular Ecological and Social Union well placed in the 1st round

According to an Ifop-Fiducial poll for LCI published this Wednesday, June 15, President Emmanuel Macron’s camp could win between 265 and 300 deputies at the end of the legislative elections. The union on the left led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon should win between 180 and 210 seats. For their part, the Republicans would maintain between 40 and 65 deputies. The National Rally could manage to set up a parliamentary group of 20 to 40 seats. It will of course be necessary to take into account local specificities, as in Dijon. Thanks to 33.57% of the ballots, the New People’s Ecological and Social Union candidates won in Dijon, for the 3 combined constituencies of the agglomeration on the evening of the first round of the legislative election on Sunday June 12, 2022. They came out in front of the candidates Together! (Presidential majority) and Rassemblement National which obtained 28.24% and 12.54% of the votes respectively.

1:30 p.m. – As much as the results, the participation figures are expected in Dijon

In recent years, the 160,186 residents of this city have revealed their voting habits. On the occasion of the legislative elections of 2017, of the 83,148 registered on the electoral lists in Dijon, 56.69% had deserted the polls in the first round. The abstention was 47.68% in the second round. The results of the 2022 legislative elections are as expected as the participation rate, which is always very low during this type of election. Across France, turnout was already a major issue in the second round of the 2017 legislative elections. It was 17.75% at noon and only 35.33% at 5 p.m.

10:30 – What you need to know about the legislative elections in Dijon

Hello and welcome to this special page on the 2nd round of the 2022 legislative elections in Dijon. 3 constituencies split the municipality and bring together all the candidates for this final of the election, this Sunday, June 19, 2022. The polling stations will close their doors at 7 p.m. tonight, a staggered schedule to give the chance to the greatest part voters to participate.

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