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Restrictions on the material properties of neutron stars

Sometimes neutron stars collide with each other, producing the heaviest elements, such as silver and gold. Therefore, neutron stars and their collisions are unique laboratories for studying the properties of matter at densities far exceeding those in atomic nuclei.

Heavy ion collision experiments using particle accelerators are a complementary method for producing and screening materials at high densities and under harsh conditions.

Recent advances in multi-message astronomy have allowed an international research team, which includes scientists from Germany, the Netherlands, the United States and Sweden, to gain new insights into the fundamental interactions in nuclear matter. By incorporating data from the heavy ion experiment, Gravity wave measurementAnd other astronomical observations restricted by scientists Properties of nuclear matter found in the interior of a neutron star.

Sabrina Huth, Institute of Nuclear Physics at Darmstadt Technical University, He saidDan “Combining knowledge from nuclear theory, nuclear experimentation, and astrophysical observations is essential for elucidating the properties of neutron-rich matter at the full density scale investigated at neutron star. We find that the constraint of the gold ion collision with the particle accelerator exhibits remarkable consistency with astrophysical observations even though it is obtained in a very different way. “

In this study, the scientists combined the information obtained in the collisions of heavy ions into a framework that combines astronomical observations of electromagnetic signals, measurements of gravitational waves, and high-performance astrophysical calculations with theoretical nuclear physics calculations.

The authors used data from the gold ion collision experiment at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, as well as Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States, in their multistep procedure analyzing the limitations of nuclear theory and astrophysical observations, such as neutron star mass Measurements from radio observations and information from the neutron star’s internal structure.

Additional constraints in the density region where nuclear theory and astrophysical observations are less sensitive are possible by including data from heavy ion collisions in the analysis. This has helped in developing a more comprehensive knowledge of solid matter. Increased constraints from heavy ion collisions will help bridge the gap between nuclear theory and future astrophysical observations by providing complementary data.

Experiments looking at higher densities while reducing experimental uncertainty, in particular, offer a lot of hope for setting new limits on the properties of neutron stars. In the years to come, new knowledge from any aspect can be incorporated into the framework to enhance our understanding of solid matter.

Journal reference:

  1. Huth, S., Pang, PTH, Tews, I. et al. Restriction of neutron star matter by microscopic and macroscopic collisions. Nature 606, 276–280 (2022). DOI: 10.1038 / s41586-022-04750-w

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