Maximum level of restrictions in 4 Galician municipalities
The clinical subcommittee that advises the Xunta de Galicia in the management of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus has agreed to establish the maximum level of restrictions in the town halls of A Pobra do Caramiñal, O Grove, Cualedro and Carballeda de Valdeorras.
Likewise, the high level of restrictions on 9 Galician municipalities in the municipalities of Cortegada, O Barco, Padrenda, Rubiá, Lobeira, Barreiros, Boimorto, Boiro and Cambre. In addition, lThe measures of the medium level will govern in the municipal terms of O Irixo, Pobra do Brollón, Meira, Trabada, Ribeira, Carral, Muxía, As Pontes, Ortigueira, Cambados, Catoira, Cangas, Marín, Meis, Gondomar, Vilanova, Vilaboa, Soutomaior, Sanxenxo, Ribadumia, Meaño, Las nieves, La Isla and Vilagarcía.