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Restoring Donbass – Reznikov proposes to build a belt of success

According to Reznikov, there should be two tracks. The first track is economic.

The Deputy Prime Minister drew attention to the fact that the government has already approved the concept of economic development of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, on the basis of which they are already writing a strategy.

“The final will be a package of bills in parliament. The main idea is to build a” belt of success “in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in the free part of Ukraine, through an investment approach,” he said.

The minister said that four sources of financing for the restoration of the territories are being considered.

“This is our own budget, this is donor assistance, this is external loans and this is investment. We will not have enough of our own budget. Donor options for assistance are always local, pinpoint, small. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the fourth resource – the investor, to turn on,” Reznikov said.

According to him, if Ukraine offers more favorable and more successful conditions, “then those who are engaged in venture capital will come in.”

“In more risky conditions, they can earn more. The issue of marginality. Therefore, our task is to create conditions that attract investors, giving them a number of moments of confidence,” said the head of the Ministry of Reintegration.

Among such conditions is insurance against military and political risks. It is proposed to create a certain insurance fund, in which the state will put part of the money, and Western partners will add part of the money.

The second is the implementation of the possibility of work of branches of ICC, international commercial arbitration, which will be subject to all disputes arising with investors.

It is also planned to reduce administrative procedures for entrepreneurs.

“No one will build a large plant directly near the contact line. Our stake is on small and medium-sized businesses … And in this way we will create a” belt of success. “And having implemented this pilot in the controlled part of Ukraine, we can easily multiply after de-occupation on the destroyed territory “, – assured Reznikov.

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