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Restless Mexican business climate in US

The US Congress entity detected areas with the potential to end in a problem with Mexico

MEXICO CITY.- One of the concerns between investors Americans is the “poor” business climate that exists in Mexico, which can be an “irritating” factor in the bilateral relationship, said the Investigations Service of Congress of that country (CRS).
“Some investors they are concerned about the poor investment climate under López Obrador’s presidency, “the institution said in the report Mexico: challenges for US politicians in 2021.
The entity of the Congress The US identified areas with the potential to end in a problem with Mexico: migration, the response to the pandemic, economic recovery and the fight against drugs.
Regarding the economic recovery from the crisis generated by Covid-19, the CRS warned that changes to regulations and laws, such as the reform of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE), affect the investment climate and economic relations , which can be “hindered” by possible violations of the Treaty between Mexico, U.S and Canada (T-MEC).
The document mentions that there may be problems in compliance with the T-MEC regarding labor issues, trade disputes and energy policies, he detailed.
It highlights that the business climate is not good, despite the fact that the Mexican government seeks to attract suppliers from China to relocate to Mexico, to take advantage of the T-MEC.
On migration, US lawmakers warn that the government of President Joe Biden is working to reverse the policies of his predecessor, so it is likely that Mexico’s assistance will be requested to receive migrants.
Regarding the fight against drugs, the Congress The US government observes that “new strategies are needed, but mutual distrust and new regulations for the operation of US agents in Mexico limit the options.”

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