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Restaurants may reopen – industry concerns

The food industry is raising the alarm, worried about the coronavirus crisis. The Minister of the Economy Guy Parmelin however envisages that the restaurants could reopen soon. The work of the Federal Council is commended.

“I do not rule out that restaurants may reopen in a few weeks perhaps,” says Guy Parmelin in an interview with Le Matin Dimanche and the SonntagsZeitung. “It depends on the evolution of the situation,” he adds. The Vaudois specifies that the situation is constantly assessed and that the Federal Council can ‘carry out a detailed assessment at each of its weekly meetings’.

The president of the USS Pierre-Yves Maillard gave on Saturday, on the waves of the SRF, a satisfaction with the work of the government. It is for him ‘in the nature of things’ that many people concerned are not satisfied with the decisions taken in this situation.

“But the USS – and I think the population too – appreciates that the Federal Council takes its responsibilities and adopts a line capable of compromise.” “It takes courage to lead the country in such a situation,” notes the Vaudois.

Restaurants threatened with bankruptcy

The decision of the Federal Council to reopen part of the businesses including the hair salons from April 27 was however strongly criticized by the representatives of the sectors kept closed like that of the restoration. Thus in several media this weekend, the president of Gastrosuisse Casimir Platzer sounded the alarm. “If restaurants cannot open in May, Gastrosuisse expects 30% to 40% of them to go bankrupt,” he said.

In support of this concern, Mr. Platzer cites the rise in unemployment figures in March: ‘it is 45.3% in the hotel industry while in all other sectors this figure is less than 30%’. The loss of turnover of the hotel industry is enormous, adds the boss of the umbrella. At the end of April, it will amount to four billion francs. And at the end of each additional month, it will be necessary to add 2.5 billion.

Casimir Platzer is convinced that restaurants can, in terms of other businesses, open while respecting strict protection measures. ‘We ask that our proposals be examined and that progressive opening measures be worked out with us’.

60 billion aid

Asked about the amount of federal aid, Guy Parmelin was cautious. Depending on whether we can work more or less normally during the summer, the 60 billion will be enough, he replied. He stresses that this aid is emergency aid and must not ‘become a lazy pillow’. The sectors or branches which are emerging from isolation or can reopen must therefore quickly give up short-time working and federal aid, he believes.

Guy Parmelin recognizes that all losses can never be covered by federal amortization measures, but points out that these measures cannot be maintained for an indefinite period. ‘This 60 billion is a huge sum and money does not fall from the sky. We cannot impose excessive debts on future generations, ‘he says.

As for companies that resort to partial unemployment while continuing to pay dividends, the Vaudois believes that they must exercise restraint. “This is a bad sign,” he notes, while recalling that the Federal Council has not taken a decision on this matter.

Room for maneuver

PDC president Gerhard Pfister also awards good points to the government. “He has done a good job in dealing with the medical struggle and cushioning the immediate economic consequences,” he said in an interview with SonntagsBlick.

For him, the State has rightly intervened massively in the economy and society. It has become obvious that financial intervention is justified, for example in sectors such as tourism or aviation.

In terms of financing, the relatively low level of public debt offers room for maneuver, underlines the president of the PDC. It is also possible to use the SNB’s reserves. The debt brake will also have to be applied more flexibly in the future.


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