brian: the streets programopen has transformed thenew york city in thispandemic and furthermore the initiativeallowed the new york and uswho will enjoy the outdoorsat the same time as being ablehelp small york city isstudying the way of powerpermanently availablefor restaurants.and for this topic wewe connect with jeffrey garíawho he senses therestaurant associationLatinos, good morning and thank youfor being with us.>> very good days.Brian: Besides greeting youI would of courseask you, how do I help theeconomics of allowingdining rooms were in theNew York streets?>> he was a lifesaver during thepandemic, the city give us ispermission, not onlyextended hours, llospatios but also the area ofthe street, your business from the frontor next to your business if it isallowed, that was alife preserver for the industry.and since the permanent niche,the mayor di blasio did itIt is something incredible, I believe thatnot only businesses willenjoy this but thecity, will revive a newyork.brian: how would theconsequence that this measure does notcarried out and how do you seeimpacted on the little onesmerchants?>> the truth regardingrestaurants la gran mayoíaThey have closed why not to liveand I condemn permission to putpeople inside that gives us theability to be able to havecustomers out then insome sites, depending onthe part had half or more ofhalf your capacity, it wasa life preserver.brian: finally, nowthat we are returning little tothat diners prefereat inside fromrestaurants potsused to eat out?>> I believe that the good weather topeople like to beoutside, the good weatherstage outside and you can visitof the open air and and I think there issomething for everyone now and those whatwell, the one who wants to sit downinside and is already vaccinatedcan sit without worryto have a face, which is the samebath, putting on the skin and