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Rest days=football training? (nutrition, football, muscles)

Hey, I’ve been going to the gym for about a month and wanted to ask if the progress is already good or if I should change something in my plan so that I can get more out of it.

So first of all, me

M/15, 173cm tall, weighing 60kg (starting with 63-64kg) 25% KfW in terms of appearance (according to the calculator 15%)

I’ve been going to the gym for a month and I can already see good progress in my muscles, but it’s still relatively undefined because of the fat. Biceps circumference is approx. 40-41cm.

I train 5 times a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. I use the ppl split and usually do whatever I feel like doing on legday, e.g. bicep curls, bench press and other equipment.

In total I’m usually in the gym for 2 hours with showering, changing, cardio and strength training. I start with 10min run-in 6-10-17-6 kmh 6/17kmh 1 min 10kmh min each.

Then I continue with short dumbbells and then do about 3/4 different exercises with 2 sets each for the biceps. I also do about 3/4 push machines. 3 sets each and until muscle failure or max 12 and at least 6 sore.

For the triceps I do 1 exercise with 3 sets and on the cable tower I do 2 exercises with 3 sets each and the rest I do about 3/4 pull machines also 3 sets each and muscle failure or 6-12 sore.

At the end I usually go on the stairmaster and run for about 10-20 minutes at level 8-10.

For nutrition I usually eat 2 pieces of toast with butter and cheese or sausage with what my mother cooks. And in the evening I eat lunch again if I’m hungry and usually a snack like protein yogurt or protein bars. And in the end I usually end up at 2000 kcal and am in a 500+ kcal deficit.

While swimming, friends said I had already lost a lot of weight, but I only see small differences and nothing on my stomach other than a few muscles sticking out. And as I said, I lost about 3/4 kg.

Is this training and diet good and my progress?

Anyone who has read it has my utmost respect 😂

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